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The Attorney General’s Office notifies Rafael Correa of ​​the start of a preliminary investigation into embezzlement related to the Sucre and Alex Saab compensation system |  Politics |  News

The Attorney General’s Office notifies Rafael Correa of ​​the start of a preliminary investigation into embezzlement related to the Sucre and Alex Saab compensation system | Politics | News

On December 14, the members of the Audit Committee of the General Assembly submitted to the Office of the Prosecutor General the approved report of the Alex Saab case.

“I have just been notified of a preliminary investigation into the ‘SUCRE case’, which is another case (there are 48 of them already) that I have paid for.Hear the Ecuadorean people. Ecuadorean justice, circus, members From the majority of the Assembly’s Supervising Committee, part of the clowns.”

With this message on his personal Twitter account, former President Rafael Correa announced on Thursday afternoon, For notification issued by the Attorney General’s office, Because a previous investigation was opened against him in the crime of embezzlement.

The initial phase of the investigation against Correa and other government officials in his government was opened days after members of the assembly began working on the House Oversight Committee. National Fernando Villavicencio (independent), Ana Belen Cordero (CREO) Bruno Segovia (Independent) handed over to the Public Prosecutor’s Office the approved Alex Saab case report, a regional compensation system known as Sucre, Voglokons.

Lawmakers on the Audit Committee are asking the Attorney General’s office to conduct a thorough investigation into the Alex Saab case

The Sucre system was promoted by the then presidents of Ecuador and Venezuela, Rafael Correa and Hugo Chavez, respectively. Looks like our country was only going to deal with Venezuela with over $2500 million. Currently, Alex Saab is being held in the United States.

The document handed over indicates that by order of the plenary session of the Permanent Commission for Political Control and Supervision, at the December 13 session, a “Report on the process of monitoring the status of the Sucre-Voglukons” was approved. Among the recommendations made, the Prosecutor’s Office in The scope of its powers to investigate the commission of crimes such as money laundering Assets, illicit enrichment, tax fraud, leverage, organized crime, unjustified private enrichment, among others.

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The Office of the Prosecutor, on December 22, responded to the association’s audit committee, informing that, according to the information sent in the audit process report, ” SUCRE – Foglocons has ordered the start of a preliminary investigation on the crime of embezzlement.

According to assembly member Villavicencio, the list of people to be investigated by the jurisdiction unit of the National Court of the Prosecutor’s Office is headed by former President Correa, who was described as the intellectual co-author of the unitary compensation system in Sucre. explained that Participation of former officials of the Central Bank, National Customs Authority, the Internal Revenue Service, bank and corporate regulators, among others.

The Audit Committee , According to legislator Belen Cordero,What he determined was that money from the international reserve of banks, depositors’ money, was available to fund and use the Sucre system. “Putting Venezuela on hold for operations in the Sucre regime is what happened,” the commission member said.

Contributing to the campaign of Rafael Correa and Jorge Glass is a fugitive due to a case of money laundering through the Sucre system

The commission recommended that the Office of the Prosecutor investigate and establish the responsibilities of those who exercised the position of corporate supervisor between the periods 2010 to 2014. It explains that the reason It would be that they “allowed the creation of new companies without the support of any of them.” nature, in order to use the Sucre system and to give the illicit money the appearance of legitimacy.”

The Oversight Committee stresses that the Prosecutor General’s Office should also monitor the actions of officials who held the position of superintendent of banks between 2010 and 2014, Well, it was said, they were responsible for monitoring and monitoring the authorized operating banks until they comply with their due diligence with respect to their clients. (I)

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