Opening the work, face-to-face and online, of the Public Law Review Forum for the Humanities, Technologies, and Innovation, which is based in the Ecatepec University Center of the Autonomous University of Mexico State ( UAEMex), the President of this House of Studies, Carlos Eduardo Barrera Díaz, emphasized that said law will strengthen and increase Scientific and technological infrastructure so that high quality research can be carried out in Mexico.
Likewise, he stressed, it will allow some issues that are part of the national reality to be put on the table, such as water, which government institutes, research centers and universities have to move forward with regard to its collection, distribution, use, treatment and reuse.
Presiding over the initiation of this academic activity held by the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT), he underlined that “in UAEMéx, we are very pleased to participate in this type of event and forum, which allows us to analyze the implications of this law, which is being discussed in In several areas, it will in the first place guarantee the human right to share in the benefits of scientific progress.

He stated that we are aware that many research projects are carried out with public funds and that is why all results must be made available to the community. As you know, we’ve been very involved in this, with our institutional repository, where many of our publications, theses, projects and results are completely open to the community.
We also do this through the Redalyc scientific information system platform, he added. Autónoma Mexicana is one of the few Mexican universities to have several full-text scientific journals.
Patricia Zarza Delgado, Minister of Research and Advanced Studies of the Autonomous State of Mexico, in charge of the Center Office of the University of Ecatepec, Alma Galindo Carbajal, stressed that “this is a great opportunity that we have that, above all, the universities, we can have greater links with each other This enhances our capabilities.”
This will ensure that we can have better conditions to take advantage of the benefits of the research that is being carried out in the country, in the universities, concluded Carlos Eduardo Barrera Díaz, in this exercise in which the representatives of the Federal Legislature also participated.
(photo: private portal)

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