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Ten lessons learned after the intervention of three Spanish SMEs to promote employment welfare

Ten lessons learned after the intervention of three Spanish SMEs to promote employment welfare

in 2021 and 2022 A project implemented with three Spanish small and medium companies: one from the mechanical engineering sector (45 employees), the other from digital transformation (99 employees) and consulting (133 employees), where assessments, interventions and application of tools were carried out within The H-WORK project, which aims to promote mental health and well-being in work environments.

Interventions started Multilevel positive psychologythrough the use of Certified Scientific Models (IGLO). This system allows interventions in different scenarios:

  • IndividuallyPositive stress management, positive social interaction, healthy affection and compassion
  • in a groupStrengths-based training
  • leaderPositive leadership development
  • Regulatory: Improving the practices of health organizations

Project concluded with The following results: high level of involvement, pre-intervention information is important, a phase that helped create an environment of commitment and involvement of middle managers, and effectiveness in interventions at the leader and group level (CEO, leaders, senior managers) promoting well-being. However, it was revealed Ten golden rules can serve as conclusions, lessons and learn from these interventions.

1) becomes necessary Promote a culture of support and leadership. Must motivate leadership and HR teams Communication and collaboration throughout the intervention process. he CEO commitment It is critical to a successful performance.

2) that Face-to-face sessions encourage participation, commitment, social interaction and motivate participants.

3) Plan A Extended time in sessions is a reason for successespecially if there are a large number of participants in group interventions.

4) Sometimes Operational shifts are getting in the wayso it requires Maximum support from senior management and human resources And they have the necessary means throughout the process.

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5) There is concern among the participants about Data security, although an explicit statement that all information complies with the regulations is usually given. However, as mean as it may be Barrier to adequate procedure development, one solution is to provide information to intervention recipients through data management sheets or charts.

6) If the intervention includes online sessions that those It does not encounter digital burden or technical stress. Also make sure a Effective use of technologiesTaking into account the level of literacy of employees.

7) that Initial and closing meetings contribute to greater commitment and motivation in online interventions.

8) It is necessary to Managers and senior managers support the initiative in raising awareness of mental health and well-being at work among employees and promote to Participation and commitment to the program Implant the benefits of the intervention.

9) In External facilitators in positive psychology working with internal facilitators enhance motivation And interest in the project and assistance in the interpretation and translation of the results of a scientific point of view.

10) It is necessary to apply Four main pillars proposed by the H-Work conceptual framework: Interventions at multiple levels, bottom-up and participatory approach, application of positive psychology to occupational health and exploitation of digital technologies.

fountain: Implementation of multi-level interventions in three Spanish SMEs: key challenges and ten golden lessons – H-work