Stories are very popular features on Instagram and Messenger, just like WhatsApp statuses. Precisely for this reason, Telegram will soon integrate it into its platform.This is something that many have been asking for, and finally, the CEO of the messaging app, Pavel Durov, will satisfy its users. So advertisement in his account, providing details of when and how the new feature will be rolled out.
Stories will basically work in the same way as other platforms. People will be able to post photos and videos, add text and links, and even tag other people. The way to respond to them will be through emojis or comments.
Durov for a long time refused to add this functionality to his application, because, according to him, it was already present in other applications. However, millions of users ended up asking to convince him to take this step.
“After our internal testing of Stories, even the skeptics on our team have begun to appreciate them. We can no longer imagine Telegram without them.”
Stories are coming to Telegram
What’s new is that Telegram stories can be saved to each user’s profile. Similar to other messaging apps, Telegram stories will be shown as bubbles at the top. To see it better, it can be enlarged by touch.
One of the characteristics of Telegram stories is that they can be configured to last as long as you like. This is a novelty, because on other platforms the duration is predefined as 24 hours.
Thus, in Pavel Durov’s application, they can be seen for 6, 12 or 48 hours.
Another possibility is to decide who will be able to see the stories. In this sense, photos and videos may be accessible to everyone, contacts only, friends list or specific contacts.
Telegram Stories is in its final testing phase, and will go live in July.
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