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Tec won second place in the National Student Event for Basic Sciences – El Heraldo de Chihuahua

The Technological Institute of Chihuahua participated from November 9-11 in the National Student Event for Basic Sciences (ENECB) 2022, in Ixtapa, Zihuatanejo, making it a national runner-up.

The event aims to recognize in the community of TecNM students the ability to apply knowledge, through proposed solutions to contextual problems, in the disciplines that make up Basic Sciences (CB) and Economic-Management Sciences (CEA).

The team consists of five students, Angel García, Andrea Ontiveros, Anelsi Rodriguez, César Pérez and Mauricio Delgado, all students of this institution in different classes, as well as their teacher advisor Miriam Ramírez.

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The Basic Sciences (CB) category consists of specific competencies in the disciplines of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, in the conceptual, procedural and situational aspects of the different educational programs offered by TecNM.

One participant mentioned that since April, when the event was held at the local level, she has not stopped studying and asking for help to be able to continue participating once her team is formed.

“It’s important not to see other teams as competition, we’re both good at something, and it’s best to see them as someone you can learn from,” said Anelse Rodriguez, one of the event’s participants, emphasizing that teamwork was essential for the genre. Competitions and know how to delegate responsibilities.

Participants noted the support received from the Foundation, as well as from former students who had previously participated in other editions of the same event.