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Surfside Mayor defends Gisele Bündchen after car crash: 'Officer's response is unacceptable'

Surfside Mayor defends Gisele Bündchen after car crash: 'Officer's response is unacceptable'

“I'm trying to stay away from this guy…” Bündchen said.

After photos were published of model Gisele Bündchen being stopped on the road by a police officer, the police stopped her Mayor of Surfside He expressed his “dismay” at the way the situation developed. According to a message seen by the media Local 10 MiamiThe local authority drew attention to what it saw as a less sympathetic response to the celebrity's situation.

The arrest, which occurred last Wednesday, was documented by the officer's body camera and cell phone videos from bystanders, showing Bündchen clearly affected. The model, who was driving a gray Mercedes G-Wagon, was stopped by A Unspecified traffic violation He received a warning notice instead of a citation.

During the exchange, a visibly distressed Bündchen explained to the officer that she was The paparazzi chased himWhich prompted her to express her fear and frustration.

Gisele Bündchen cries as police approach her in Miami (Capture: Miami Police/WPLG Local 10)

“These damned men are following me, nothing can protect me,” she said, crying. The police officer replied: “I understand who you are.” File a report in Miami Beach, because you are coming from Miami Beach. She also said she couldn't stop them from photographing her.

Bündchen, known not only for her runway career but also for her recent relationship with coach Joachim Valiente and being the ex-wife of the famous NFL player, Tom Brady, resides in the village of Indian Creek. This place is famous for hosting many celebrities and prominent personalities.

It didn't take long for Mayor Burkett's reaction after the video was posted to become public. In a letter to interim Police Chief Henry Twelve, Burkett called “Totally unacceptable” The officer responded to the Brazilian figure's obvious pain.

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“This reaction does not reflect the values, judgment and service that residents expect from their police,” Burkett said in the letter, stressing the importance of the organization interacting and serving residents with the respect and compassion they deserve.

Gisele Bündchen resides in Miami and is often caught by paparazzi while going about her daily activities. (Credit: 2024MB/Grosby Group)

“On the contrary, the primary mission of our police department is to keep our residents safe,” he insisted.

Likewise, the mayor's speech also highlighted his concern about what he sees as a troubling pattern among some members of the police force, referring to a previous incident in which police union president Tammy Campbell and several officers confronted elected officials with requests for increased patrols and improved visibility and comfort for officers.

“I have always supported our police and all men and women who choose to serve honorably,” Burkett said.

Interim Police Chief Henry Doss said the situation could have been handled with more compassion. (Image source: Reuters/Pierre Albouille)

For his part, Interim President Henry Doss, speaking to Local 10 News, admitted that the situation could be handled in a more understanding manner.

I would have liked to see more compassion “In the initial contact with what was happening,” he said in a conversation with a radio outlet. Likewise, Twelve highlighted that the agent is known for being efficient in his work, but they view this incident as a learning opportunity.

It has not yet been confirmed whether it is Bundchen I followed the officer's recommendation to file a report with Miami Beach Police about the harassment of photographers.

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