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Successful participation of the Usach delegation in the First National Science Conference with a focus on gender in Talca

Successful participation of the Usach delegation in the First National Science Conference with a focus on gender in Talca

More than 300 researchers from all over Chile gathered in Talca to participate in the first National Conference on Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation from a Gender Perspective. This unprecedented event sought to advance the issue of equality in research, as well as reflect on the comprehensive perspective that a gender perspective provides in knowledge generation across disciplines.

This activity was organized by the network of innovation projects in higher education, InES Género, with funding from the National Research and Development Agency (ANID), on June 6 and 7 at the University of Talca and the Autonomous University of Chile, respectively. .

During the opening ceremony, Undersecretary of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation, Dr. Carolina Gainza Cortes, highlighted the holding of this first conference, noting that it demonstrated that collaboration is possible outside of competition, something that has been highly naturalized in the CTCI system. “From the beginning, InES Género projects have promoted collaborative work, accompanied it and made its practices visible. We have seen how this network has been strengthened, which today shows all its potential,” explained the Undersecretary.

Director of Scientific and Technological Research at OSACH, Dr. Carolina Aliaga Vidal, highlighted the unprecedented nature of the conference where, for the first time, various representatives of the CTCI system met to reflect on how to advance the integration of gender approaches into institutions and how to strengthen this dimension in research, together with National and international experiences.

Meanwhile, Samanta Elgueta García, InES Ciencia + Género Usach project coordinator, expressed her appreciation for the great participation achieved by the university and the commitment it has shown to gender equality in research. “The conference served as a favorable space for exchanging experiences and building collaborative networks that promote gender equality in the scientific and academic field. The presence of our university was significant not only in the presentations, but also as part of the Scientific Committee, with the participation of Dr. Commitment to fairness and excellence in OSACH research,” he added.

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The University of Santiago de Chile stood out at the conference by presenting 19 research papers from its various colleges, including the College of Humanities, College of Management and Economics, College of Science, College of Chemistry and Biology, and the Institute for Advanced Graduate Studies. Studies and Directorate of Diversity and Gender Equality.

Check out the full note at: https://vriic.usach.cl/index.php/exitosa-participacion-de-delegacion-usach-en-el-primer-congreso-nacional-de-ciencias-con-enfoque-de-genero-en-talca/