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Students of archaeologists and natural sciences investigate the ancient city of Ipaten – Tucumán Notícias – Agencia de Notícias – Diario de Tucuman

A group of researchers visited the ancient city yesterday. Business.

Monterisos | 07/08/2021 00:00

Yesterday began research projects planned by archaeologists and students from the Miguel Lillo College of Natural Sciences to learn about the ways of life of the ancient inhabitants of the place.

The team of researchers is led by archaeologist Florencia Purcella who works under the PIUNT project and CONICET doctoral thesis.

The working group is actually clearing land and extracting objects that may be of vital interest to gather information about resources, materials, ways of life, vegetation, culture, and any item deemed necessary for the investigation.

The archaeologists will remain at Lyon-Roges, until they have completed the tasks which have the approval of the local commune.

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