As part of the “Great Sciences” cycle, CosmoCaixa welcomes the distinguished paleontologist Steve BrusatteWhich will guide everyone on a journey spanning more than 325 million years, from the first mammals that tried to survive in the shadow of the dinosaurs to today’s humans.
As mammals, the fossils of our ancestors tell the rich story of our prehistoric heritage. Thanks to technological advances and recently discovered fossils, Brussat will provide us with new data that will help the viewer better understand the evolution of surviving mammals and discover those that have become extinct: such as micro-mammals, mammals that ate dinosaurs, and whales that walked or mystically. Mammoth.
The event will take place on October 24 at 7 p.m. There will be simultaneous translation. On this journey from past to present, we will see which species have adapted, evolved, and survived major mass extinction events to arrive at the more than 6,000 species of mammals that exist today.
Emotional dinosaur
Steve Brusatte holds a PhD in Earth and Environmental Sciences from Columbia University, US, and a PhD in Earth Sciences and Paleontology from the University of Bristol, UK. He is currently Professor of Paleontology at the University of Edinburgh. He described fifteen new types of fossils, authored more than one hundred and ten scientific publications, and wrote ten books.
A course on the names of the great sciences
This conference is part of the “Greats of Science” cycle, where the “la Caixa” Foundation presents to the public the works of prominent figures in the scientific world whose contributions and results have marked a milestone in human knowledge. During these conferences, people visiting the museum will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the most interesting and exciting discoveries of modern science at the hands of some of the most famous figures in the scientific field.
This is an exceptional opportunity to delve deeply into the most prominent innovations and contributions of recent years. The progress by which the universe and our planet are understood, the elements and life, evolutionary processes or any other scientific inquiry sheds light on the most sublime mysteries of science, all explained in the first person by its protagonists.
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