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Step by step to send WhatsApp messages using Siri

Step by step to send WhatsApp messages using Siri

With Siri, it’s possible to send messages without using the keyboard. (Unsplash)

With the latest update to iOS 17users iPhone Access the feature that allows them to send messages WhatsApp during Siriallowing easy access to the application Goal Without using the keyboard.

This is a tool that was available in previous versions of OSbut in the latest update it is no longer necessary to implement such a strict order, but rather…Voice assistant It will understand which messaging application we want to use to send content.

The process of sending messages is simple, but requires prior configuration so that the processor is ready to receive the command and perform the action. These are the steps to follow:

1. Activate Siri: To get started, you have to say “Hey, Siri” or press and hold the Home button or the Side button, depending on the iPhone model. This will activate the virtual assistant and it will be ready to take commands.

2. Say the message: Once Siri is listening, ask it to send a message to the desired WhatsApp contact. It will look like this: “Hey Siri. Send a message to [nombre del contacto]”.

3. Write the message: Siri will process the command and ask you to say the message you want to send. There will be time to say the message and the assistant will type it into a text box so we can review it later.

4. Switch to WhatsApp: Whenever we want to send a message, Siri can choose the Messages app by default. However, after writing the message, the assistant will give the option to send it or change the application. This is where you can tell Siri to use WhatsApp instead of Messages.

5. Send the message: Once you switch to WhatsApp, you can now send a message. If Siri doesn’t switch automatically, you can tap the app icon at the top of the screen to do so manually.

With Siri, it’s possible to send messages without using the keyboard. (Unsplash)

despite of Siri Makes sending messages via WhatsApp Even simpler, some users may notice that suggested apps do not support messaging displayed. This is a result of Siri’s machine learning about each user’s habits.

To solve it, there is a step by step that helps facilitate the process:

1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.

2. Scroll down and select Siri & Search.

3. At the bottom of the screen, there is a list of apps that are compatible with Siri. There you must select the platforms that you do not want to appear.

4. Deactivate the learning option for this application. This will limit the information Siri shares with the service.

This simple setting will prevent Siri from recommending unwanted apps when you send messages through it WhatsAppproviding a more flexible experience that focuses on each user’s preferences.

With Siri, it’s possible to send messages without using the keyboard. (Unsplash)

With the launch of the new operating system Manzana, iOS 17, the company’s mobile phones will have access to new functions that enhance the user experience. However, these new features will not be available for all devices, as some will not be compatible with this or future versions of the device. Programming.

The main reason is that some mobile phones are not compatible with the new version of internal control Department is that in order for all the functions offered by the system to be implemented, you must have, at a minimum, A12 Bionic chip Or later. Thus, they are models iPhone 8 And the iPhone It will not be updated.

The Apple mobile phones that will be able to download the new version of the operating system are the following:

– iPhone XR

– iPhone XS

– iPhone XS Max

iPhone 11 (Regular, Pro and Pro Max)

iPhone 12 (Normal, Mini, Pro, Pro Max)

iPhone 13 (Normal, Mini, Pro, Pro Max)

iPhone 14 (Normal, Plus, Pro, Pro Max)

iPhone 15 (Normal, Plus, Pro, Pro Max)

iPhone SE (2nd and 3rd generation)