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“Sponsored” meat and dairy products with 32% of the European budget for agricultural products.  But we need to reduce our consumption by 70%

“Sponsored” meat and dairy products with 32% of the European budget for agricultural products. But we need to reduce our consumption by 70%

The European Commission has spent to promote Meat e Milk material 32% of the total budget of the European Agricultural Product Development Program: 252 million euros in 5 years, மொத்தம் 776.7 million in total, compared with 19% for fruit and vegetable improvements. This is what emerges from the report ‘Meat Marketing of GreenpeaceAccordingly, from 2016 to 2019 only 9% of the funding went to the promotion of organic products and just 1% of projects in favor of organic meat and dairy products.

Thus, 70% of agricultural land in the EU is used for breeding or feeding of domesticated animals, with two-thirds of the EU’s agricultural subsidies ending directly and indirectly. Increasingly intensive livestock system, I through Allocated funds For crops prescribed for fodder. As a result, Europeans “consume two times more meat and three times more dairy products than the world average”, and to protect public health and the environment, scientists recommend reducing consumption of European meat and dairy products by at least 70% by 2030. In fact, this is not a coincidence Demeter’s study For that Anti-Vivision League, Issued in partnership with ilfattoquotidiano.it, Both health and environmental impacts are calculated to estimate the price of hidden meat, which in Italy, falls on the community each year (36.6 billion per year, more than 19 billion for health expenditure and 17.5 per cent for the environment).

Greenpeace: “Beautiful Ads” – Overall, our country is one of the member countries with the highest number of approved projects 124 million euros for the period 2016-2019, One-third of which was spent on improving meat and dairy products. “Many advertising campaigns are funded by the European Union instead of promoting a reduction in meat consumption and promoting plant-based diets,” he explains. Simona Savini, Greenpeace Italy’s agricultural campaign – Try to reverse the current trend of seeing meat and dairy products grow slower or slower than in the past. Contrary to what the scientific community recommends to protect the climate, the environment and health. ”

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European Funds for the Development of Agricultural Products – Greenpeace analyzes EU spending on campaigns for agricultural production in 2016-2020 and examines 146 projects approved in eight countries over the two-year period 2018-2019, as well as planned expenditures. EU Commission. To submit projects and companies, at least 50% of their sector must be considered ‘representative’, calculated on the basis of market share or number of manufacturers. “This means – explains the voluntary charity – that it is very difficult for small companies and producers to access funding.” For the projects analyzed, dAnimarca, Germany, Italy, Austria, Poland, Spain, France and Ireland, Two-thirds of European project funds were allocated between 2016 and 2019, with France, Italy and Spain being the top three beneficiaries. None of the eight countries spent on promoting fruit and vegetables. Among other things, the cost of upgrading animal-derived products in the EU represents 32% of the total for the development of mixed ‘baskets’ of products, including almost all meat and dairy products. We are talking about 214.7 million euros (28% of the total cost), while we have 146.4 million euros for the promotion of fruits and vegetables. From 2016 to 2019, $ 52.7 million was spent on promotion programs, including organic products, and $ 6.2 million was spent on the development of organic meat and dairy products. In its Expenditure Forecast for 2021, the Commission stated that it would like to Increase funding for organic products and fruit and vegetables, But there is no commitment to reducing the advertising of meat and dairy products.

Made in Italy LE CAMPAGNE – Italy is one of the member states that has approved a large number of projects Promote agricultural food: 65 for a total of 124 million euros between 2016 and 2019, which is less than that received by France (more than 125 million). 36% (45 45 million) of Italian projects focused on improving meat and dairy products. Twice the amount allocated for the promotion of fruit and vegetables (17% funding, 21 million euros). Just 6% of the money went to advertising organic products. “Among the promoters of big-budget projects for campaigns in Italy – Greenpeace explains – is the Italian salami development company with 3 million euros (of which 2.2 million are EU funds), The Consortium with Zombone and Cotechino Modena PGI, with 2.6 million euros. Of these, 1.86 are covered by EU funds to promote their products in Italy and Belgium. ”

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With National Public Funds – But Italy contributes national public funds to this type of campaign. Like EU funding, producer organizations can apply to the Ministry of Agriculture for funding for projects with declared objectives. Then the total amount of national funds spent Ministry of Agriculture Or by other national organizations for this type of advertising campaign, it is not as publicly communicated as the European program. “One of these campaigns – says Greenpeace – is’The star of beef‘, Spread in the media between 2018 and 2019 and is offered online with a dedicated webpage. The campaign is funded by Asokarni (Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Meat and Breeding Association) with funding from MIPAAFT. “Yet – Greenpeace underscores – according to the latest FAO data, meat supply in Italy is 80 kg per person per year”. Compatible with other European countries, but above the global average and recommended for human health and the environment (24 kg per person per year by 2030). “What should be involved – Greenpeace writes – in promoting a ‘balanced diet’, a clear reduction in meat consumption”. The EU Commission is in the process of reviewing policy to improve agricultural production and public consultation began on March 31, with a new plan expected in early 2022. At the same time, there will be national recovery and recession plans defined in these months.

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Promotion outside Europe – Since 2016, the promotion of European agricultural products has focused more on increasing exports, especially to countries with the highest growth potential such as “ Canada, China, Japan, Mexico and the United States”, But also in emerging markets. For example, in countries such as C டிte d’Ivoire and Ghana, projects are funded to reach new consumers of European pork and beef, and to target middle and upper-class consumers in West Africa to promote milk production. Europeans. “Not surprisingly – Greenpeace comments – these actions have also raised some questions in the same commission’s assessment report, where it is emphasized that there may be a certain amount Tensions between promotion policy and EU aid and development policies“In Italy, too, projects worth millions of euros are being undertaken for campaigns in non-EU countries: the most important one, approved in 2019, is interested in promoting pork products and cheeses in various Asian countries (total 5 5 million, with European funding of நி 4 million). And two projects (less than 10 million by European funds) were approved for the development of Grana Pathano and pork products in 2016, respectively, with pork, cheese and wine in China and Japan and the United States.