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Spanish universities, world leaders in veterinary medicine, health, tourism and food science and technology

Spanish universities, world leaders in veterinary medicine, health, tourism and food science and technology

Although no Spanish university appears in the “Top 100” of the latest Shanghai ranking, the most influential in the world, many are pioneers in subjects such as health sciences, hotel management, tourism, veterinary medicine, and food science and technology. .

Nine Spanish universities are among the top 500 universities in the worldlisten to the University of Barcelona and Granada Get the best results by ranking Shanghai 2023 Known this week, most of our positions are holding or lowering their scores, largely due to The emergence of a large group of Chinese universities.

The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), better known as the Shanghai Ranking, has been published since 2003 and is updated every year by Jiao Tong University, located in that Chinese city.

Although it does not occupy the honorary positions that American and British universities dominate year after year, Hispanic women are among the best ranked by academic subjects published by ARWU also since 2017.

This review contains ratings on 54 topics In the natural sciences, engineering, medical sciences, social sciences and life sciences – more than 1,800 universities in 96 countries and regions – it uses indicators such as the quality and impact of research, international cooperation and international academic awards.

Among the fields of knowledge veterinary scienceswhere Autónoma de Barcelona is ranked fifth in the world and Complutense is fifteenthfollowed by Murcia (34) Cordoba (41), Zaragoza and Castilla-La Manchathese last two are at the same crossroads 76-100.

It also highlights Sixth place in the world occupied by the Polytechnic of Madrid in Civil Engineering And in it Polytechnic of Cataloniawhich ARWU places in block 76-100 at best value, according to Efe.

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Other honors positions correspond to University of Valencia, 11th in the field of remote sensing; Pompeo Fabra in Public Health (25) and University of Barcelona in Clinical Medicine (45).

One of the regions where there are many Spanish universities in the “Top 100” is Food science and technology: University of Granada (30); from Valencia (26); Valencia Polytechnic (76-100); Vigo (51-75); Rovera e Virgili (76-100); Seville and Zaragoza, both in segment 51-75, and Salamanca (101-150).

Added to this last issues related to Hotel and tourism managementat any The University of Valencia stands out at 38th in the worldfollowed by Alicante and Malaga (51-75), the Balearic Islands and Seville (76-100).

in the field of knowledge Science and technology devicesthe The Polytechnic of Madrid is the best 43 value the world together University of Seville (50) and Polytechnic of Catalunya (51-75).

Finally, in physical the Autónoma de Madrid and Valencia are among the best 76-100; in Polytechnic Mathematics of Catalonia (76-100); in Geography of the Autonomous Region of Barcelona (34); in Library and Information Sciences, Granada ranked 38, and Complutence in Dentistry (76-100).