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Sofia Vergara and her uphill battle against thyroid cancer

Sofia Vergara and her uphill battle against thyroid cancer

I wrote in Famous People The

Sofia Vergara She is considered one of the most beautiful and talented Latina faces in the Spanish-speaking world. With an impeccable career, he managed to win the love of the audience over the years and conquer the great critics who recognized his work.

Although now everything seems to shine for the actress, host, model and mother, the road has not been easy, because When he turned twenty-eight, he had to hold on to life As soon as the doctors told him that I was sick with thyroid cancer.

It was in August last year, when The beautiful Colombian was honest and talked about this terrible disease could have taken his life, But fortunately it was discovered in time and after several months of treatment he was able to overcome it.

When you are young and you hear the word cancer, your mind goes to many places, but I tried not to panic and decided to educate myself. (…) I was lucky to find out so early and had the support of my doctors and, most importantly, my family,” the 49-year-old actress said during her participation in the “Stand Up To Cancer” marathon organized on the “Saturday Night Live” fundraising program. To help cancer patients, last year.

Sofia Vergara kept a secret for years that she had cancer.
Photo: Instagram @sofiavergara

in that conversation, Sofia Vergara He stated that he decided to keep his condition under wraps Because it was not in his interest to benefit from it or to be the focus of criticism and speculation about his health.

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“Having cancer isn’t fun. You don’t want to deal with anything else while you’re going through it.” He mentioned without going into detail in an interview with Health magazine in 2011.

To win this fight against cancer, Sofia Vergara had to undergo several radiation treatmentswhich wasn’t enough because she needed surgery, which left an impressive scar on her neck, which over the years has made her feel more and more proud of herself.

Sofia Vergara reveals the scars left by her battle against cancer

Only in February of this year, Actress of “Modern Family” He shared with his millions of followers a photo in which he revealed his huge scar.

“I spent countless hours in radiotherapy and eventually surgery. Today, I can call myself a cancer survivor.” Written at the bottom of the image. “Seeing the scar on my throat reminds me of how blessed I feel. On that day and every day since then,” he added.

Sofia Vergara reveals the scars left by her battle against cancer
Photo: Instagramsofiavergara?

Currently, the film and television star continues to undergo treatment to control hypothyroidism.

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