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Snapchat removes speed filter after several lawsuits

Snapchat removes speed filter after several lawsuits

snap chat , The social network for short videos and pioneering the frenzy has pulled the face filter, one of the oldest and most controversial.

It is a filter launched in 2013 that uses the phone’s speed sensor to enable the accelerometer in miles or kilometers per hour that is displayed on the screen. According to various reportsThere have been many accidents caused by drivers using the filter, which has led some affected families to sue Snapchat.

According to NPRIn a statement, the company announced that it has removed this feature that is “hardly used by Snapchatters.” “In light of that, we will eliminate him permanently,” he added. The Company does not confirm at any time that the removal of the filter is related to the multiple lawsuits it has been implicated in. Also remember that they cautioned themselves when using this filter that its use was for co-pilots or other passengers on a vehicle trip, other than drivers. However, not all users heed this warning.

Before removing the filter completely, the service lowered the speed limit to 35 miles per hour (about 56 kilometers per hour), but this measure appears to have been insufficient for critics. The company began removing the filter this week, but explains that it could take several weeks before the removal process reaches 500 million of its monthly active users of the app.

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