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Siri has problems catching up with ChatGPT

Siri has problems catching up with ChatGPT

Siri, works on iPhone

picture: wachiwit (Clash)

Microsoft and Google have responded very quickly to access from OpenAI. The first one did it literally riding boat from ChatGPT, while Google rushed To launch your Chatbot O Bard. What is Apple doing in the meantime in the field of artificial intelligence? Well, not much, apparently.

in the information Published comprehensive report after interviewing more than thirty former Apple employees who worked in AI and machine learning departmentsrning before jumping to other companies. From these interviews it can be concluded that the company is not suffering Some trouble developing language models that would allow you to launch your own alternative to ChatGPT or even update Siri so the assistant doesn’t seem like a joke compared to the functionality of the new Chatbots.

The first problem is the brain drain. Apple has lost three engineers who were working on improving Siri: Srinivasan Venkatachari and Stephen W. Baker Anand Shukla. The three arrived in Cupertino in 2019 after buying a company called Laserlike, but left in 2019.

To make matters worse, Apple device users aren’t the only ones who are unhappy with the responses Siri gives. The company’s employees also criticize the lack of Assistant functionality. Interviews revealed that the same mixed reality headset team lead, Mike Rockwell, tried to integrate Siri for use with the device’s voice controls and was so frustrated that he considered building his own voice control system. The idea, of course, was scrapped.

On a development level, Siri’s problem isn’t that it updates its dataset or language model so much, but the way it improves, which is based on bugs. References to internal meetings reveal that Apple engineers failed to convince Company managers to get Siri to make more mistakes so she can learn. Managers simply do not want to take risks That the assistant appears in negative headlines like those dropped into ChatGPT or other chatbots because of their frequent errors or sudden outbursts.

All this created an internal climate of suspicion. According to a report by The Conversation, many engineers believe that Apple will not be able to keep up with the AI ​​technology it has created. Companies like OpenAI for company policy reasons. last A report published a few days ago in The New York Times He points to the same issues and adds that Siri’s design flaws make it very difficult to update the assistant to match ChatGPT.

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