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Shakira and the decision regarding her children angered Pique and her parents

Shakira and the decision regarding her children angered Pique and her parents

sThe moment you’ve been waiting for so long is coming Shakira since Separate from Gerard Pique: starting a new life with their children away from Spain.

Everything seems to point to the Colombian He will move on the first of next April, Taking advantage of Milano and Sasha’s Easter break, already back at school in a school in the United States.

Didn’t Shakira inform Pique of her decision to go to the United States in April?

despite of Shakira’s existence was already uncomfortable for her ex-in-laws and neighborsThis decision would make the former defender and his parents angry, as it turned out that the translator of “Monotonía” He would not have informed them of his early departure to Miami, as he points out.

This dash of Shakira to the United States must have something to do with it The health of his father, William Mubarakwhich was very weak after experiencing a sharp decline last year.

And although Shakira initially decided to postpone her move, which was originally scheduled for January, so that Don William’s operation would take place in Barcelona and that it would be better to fly to Miami, the doctors also suggested. postpone the operationfor which the Barranquilla woman decided to leave in April so that her father could undergo surgery in the United States.

Pique and his family think this is outrageous

next to anger for not notifying you of the decision to move to the United States in April, Pique thinks it’s “outrageous” Change school children in the middle of the session and consider that They must finish the academic year in Barcelona.

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but, Shakira did not commit any guilt Well, you have to inform your ex of the trip, at least 10 days in advance, so you still have plenty of time if the moving date is April 1st.