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Senacyt trains teachers in math and science

Senacyt trains teachers in math and science

National Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation (Cinasite) and the Ministry of Education (Meduka) Organizing cultural and scientific gatherings l teachers and principals in different regions of the country, with the goal of teachers presenting science projects and activities developed to enhance the learning of natural sciences and mathematics.

Twenty-five schools are participating in these gatherings that are part of the Let’s Do Science teacher professional development programme. Teachers covered by the scheme have been involved in research projects and have taught Mathematics in Early Years Diploma courses. For their part, the principals and educational leaders in the Diploma in Educational Leadership for Teaching Science.

The 25 schools involved in developing the diploma course, which lasts more than 100 hours, are “leading teachers to generate new possibilities of competencies in it and, in turn, These abilities are transferred to students to generate logical and mathematical thinking, investigation, investigation, observation and everything that really strengthens that cognitive structure.

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Senacyt trains Meduca teachers in mathematics and the natural sciences.

These gatherings take place over five Saturdays, distributed as follows: August 12, at the San Pedro Nolasco-Federico Humbert School, in western Panama, where four schools met; August 19, at Barita School in Herrera, with the participation of four schools; On August 26, the activity was carried out with teachers from six schools in Veraguas, at the Repubblica Oliver Aleman Education Center.

On September 2, three schools from San Miguelito gathered at the Pedro Amelio School, where courses are held in science, mathematics, and educational leadership, to present the projects they developed with the students; On September 9, the gathering will be at Caldera School, with teachers from six schools in Chiriqui.

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On the other hand, Maria Heller, Director of Science Learning Innovation at Senacyt, stated that this is the fourth meeting for teachers and they have brought the work they have done with their students to show their colleagues, it is a day of coexistence and exchange.

For Doris Tristan, a special education teacher at the Pedro J. Amiglio, “In the course we learned the basics needed to implement science and mathematics in an educational way. I was able to adapt this learning for children with special educational needs. The projects were implemented in a more individualized way, depending on the student’s diagnosis.”

By school district, the following schools participated in the clusters: in Chiriqui, Macano, Vidal Barroso, Nuevo Vedado, Caldera, Chiriqui, and La Victoria; in Herrera, Valle Rico, Los Canillos, Educational Center in Barita; In Los Santos, Lano de Piedra and Lano Largo.

in western Panama, San Pedro Nolasco, Federico Humbert, Federico “Yeko” Velazquez, Rafael Maduro and El Higo; In San Miguelito, Los Andes, Jeronimo de la Osa, Pedro J. Amiglio, In Veraguas, Agustín Pérez Colmenares, Las Barreras, San Justino, La Estrella, Martin Grande, Republica Oliver Aleman, and La Floresita.

These dishes promote academic exchange between teachers, educational leaders and principals, as well as provide a space for cultural and sports interaction.