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Scientists descend into the depths of the ocean and face a surprise

Scientists descend into the depths of the ocean and face a surprise

a group of Scholars Implemented, at the end of last March, The first trip to the third deepest ocean trench on Earth, More than 10,000 meters below the surface, he was surprised to find it there Plastic and litter.

The Emden, DeepAnd the part of Philippine trench It is one of the last borders of the Earth and it is a section Unexplored. The first humans to land there was the Filipino microbial oceanologist Part of Florence Onda, From the University of the Philippines Institute of Marine Sciences, and the American Explorer Victor Bishop. As I mentioned before the portal Channel News Asia, They are both part of Kalladan Oceanic, Which is a private organization dedicated to the advancement of undersea technology.

The task is to study the life cycle and the role of microorganisms
The task is to study the life cycle and the role of microorganismschannelnewsasia.com

“You don’t know what to expect. It was really the mental preparation to be in Small submersible Without being freaked out while diving and Say goodbye to the world “, Narrated Onda.

during 12 hours, Onda and Viskovo and lodges They discovered the trenchHopefully you peek at the life below. The first description of the Philippine Trench dates back to 1950, and the second from 1970. However, the technology at that time was not accurate, so the descent into this space was a great opportunity.

They found trash and plastic materials in the Philippine Trench
They found trash and plastic materials in the Philippine Trenchchannelnewsasia.com

“When we were about to reach the bottom, I was expecting to see scary things That creeps in or out of windows, ”Dew revealed. What they found was similar to what you see on the surface. There was a funny scene when we were exploring the area. There was white stuff floating around. I told (Victor) it was a jellyfish. We went there and we got close and it was just Plastic, He mentioned, referring to an amount Residues They found them in the Philippines trench.

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“The only unusual thing is garbage. There was a lot of rubbish in the ditch. There was a lot Plastic, a trouser, a Shirt, a doll Stuffed animals, packing and many more plastic bags. I wasn’t even expecting it, and that I am researching plastic, ”an oceanographer said.

Deo Florence Onda was proud to be one of the first humans to dive in
Deo Florence Onda was proud to be one of the first humans to dive inchannelnewsasia.com

Watch it for the first time It was a privilege As a human being and Actor 106 million Filipinos And billions of people in the world, ”he emphasized, moved. Onda argued that most of the things he knew were written by Western scientists, so her“ vision ”for himself was like a“ fairy tale. ”I saw how light dissipates with depth. I was watching the pressure go up, then the temperatures drop after that and I did all this physics, chemistry and biology for ocean science. It was a fantasy to me“, Expression.

However, he also mourned: “But being a witness to Extent of pollution Witnessed gravity The plastic problem from surface to ocean floor is another. It is my responsibility to tell people that their garbage does not stay where it is. Goes somewhere else and drowns

Research mission is The study of the life cycle and the role of microorganisms, Like phytoplankton that help It produces oxygen Among the The main drivers of energy accumulation And biomass in a marine ecosystem. “Microorganisms are the main driver of carbon storage, which in turn leads to climate change. When phytoplankton consume carbon, and take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, they convert it into particulate organic matter that sinks to the ocean floor and is stored for millions of years,” Onda explained.

Florence Onda and Victor Vescovo belong to Caladan Oceanic, a private organization dedicated to the advancement of underwater technology.
Florence Onda and Victor Vescovo belong to Caladan Oceanic, a private organization dedicated to the advancement of underwater technology.Twitter up_msi

The expert explained that the extent of biological diversity in these deep sea environments is unknown and the full range of its functions in terms of processes is unknown. Biogeochemical chemicals.

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Studies show that the deepest ocean layers are warming at a slower rate than the surface. However, Exposure of living organisms in these environments to global warming could be more severe and pose greater risks.
