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Scientific researchers compete for the National Prize for “Women in Science 2021” |  technology |  Peru

Scientific researchers compete for the National Prize for “Women in Science 2021” | technology | Peru

21 scientific researchers are competing for the national award For Women in Science 2021 It is on its way to its final stage. This edition seeks to identify researcher from Peru For his leadership and track record in Science, technology and technological innovation, has been demonstrated at the national or international level.

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The competition promoted by the National Council for Science, Technology and Technological Innovation – Concytec and Prociencia, in alliance with L’Oréal and UNESCO. The competition will award two candidates at the national level.

One of the class A Scientific excellence, which values ​​the track and production in science, technology and technological innovation activities and the merit of the achievement obtained, and category B of the emerging talent, for its potential and ambition to continue contributing to the development of scientific research and which also stands out for its excellence and contribution to scientific progress.

the twoFirst place is a female scientist, chosen out of 51 applicantsIt was part of a rigorous evaluation by professional experts from Prociencia. Those belonging to Category A had to meet certain requirements such as being Peruvian scientific researchers residing in the country, with an academic degree from a doctor, with a recognized scientific profession and their contributions to scientific knowledge and/or technological development.

While the aspirants class b, They are Peruvian scholars who live in the country, are under 45 years of age, have academic excellence, and have met certain conditions to begin their doctoral thesis and/or complete their doctoral studies.

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Likewise, their research should be linked to some of the scientific disciplines referred to in the call such as: formal sciences, physical sciences, life sciences and engineering sciences and technology.

It should be noted that the candidates in both categories come from different universities in the country in the regions of Lima, Piura, Apurimac, Amazonas, Arequipa, Junin, Cuzco, Tacna, Huancavelica, La Libertad, among others. Similarly, the most outstanding scientific products mainly belong to the fields of life sciences, engineering sciences and technology, followed by formal sciences and physical sciences.

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To the winners, L’Oréal Peru SA will award each one of them $45,000 in order to promote the development of female researchers in the country.

Finally, this award is given to the Peruvian scientist for her excellent career and scientific output, as well as to young talents for their academic excellence and contribution to the development of science. It is important to note that it is through the Concytec and the performance of this type of activity that the work of the Peruvian woman is recognized, who through her scientific research seeks to solve the problems and needs of the country.

To interview eligible candidates for the L’Oréal Prize, you can sign up

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