Jaime San Martin, Civil Mathematics Engineer and Academician of Casa de Bello, was selected, among other attributes, for his outstanding...
From the annexes of the Higher Teacher Training Institutes No. 3 and No. 8, the entire teaching community of San...
We need to stop, look inward, and assess whether we need radical change. There are signs that something is not...
Sleep is essential to live. Sleep strengthens the mind, restores the body, and strengthens nearly every system in the body....
The campaign in which CONAFE collaborates with other institutions in...
Seeing vertebrates through screens is like a Tim Burton movie scene, a mix between fantasy due to the fluorescence of...
Throughout the week, the “Regional Meeting on Science, Technology and Innovation Policies 2023: Towards a Green and Just Transformation” will...
One of the biggest challenges ahead He is Spin-offs in health care quality and disease prevention. Population, we are more...
The rapid development of artificial intelligence has stunned the world. Programs like OpenAI's ChatGPT and Google's Bard are marvels of...
How many times have we considered that we can't go onrhythm of life which we hold, and are not compensated...