There are many diverse investigations that show that behavior affects health. The distinctive way of living life consists of multiple...
During last week's visit to Teruel by Jorge Azcon, President of the Government of Aragon, he stated that he would...
Baccalaureate of Excellence in Science and Technology arrives in the city of Mos One thousand students will start the 2023/2024...
The Academy of Sciences of the Dominican Republic (ACRD) announced on Thursday that it has completed the preparation of all...
more Serotonin This can translate into an improvement in our mood, which is known as the happiness hormone. To rest...
El Nuevo Diario, Santo Domingo.- The Faculty of Educational Sciences (FCE), Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), has named its...
Published by the Ministry of Health Draft Royal Decree (RD) This establishes the title of specialist in emergency medicine and...
US researchers concluded in a study that ChatGPT, a language model developed using artificial intelligence (AI), is 72% accurate in...
It is a project promoted by the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Agency for Culture of Córdoba and the...
Madrid-based Blace Psychology is proud to announce its ongoing commitment to the emotional well-being of the community. BLACE Psychology's team...