The Space Science and Technology Club (CCTE) team of the Faculty of Engineering of the National University of Asuncion (FIUNA)...
This event represents a milestone in the history of the Foundation, which has worked tirelessly since its founding to promote...
he Ministry of Health It was announced last Friday that Medicina de Emergencies and emergencies Will share a period of...
The course has just started. How was this first week? It's very exciting and we're approaching it with great momentum...
Kamal Badari, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Algeria, in his speech before the symposium held at the...
The Director General of Social Health Care, Mental Health and Addictions of the Government of Andalusia, Trinidad Roz, visited the...
Pinella is a physicist at University College London.Image: University of CaliforniaColombian physicist Paola Pinilla has just been announced as one...
In the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ministry of Foreign AffairsInternational Trade and the Cult of the Nation) The meeting...
Los premios Breakthrough, the emperors of Silicon Valley have done so años and dotados with several million dollars in one...
Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA - NASA said Thursday that studying UFOs will require new scientific techniques and more advanced satellites,...