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Science.  The dog genome that does not bark informs canine development

Science. The dog genome that does not bark informs canine development

06-01-2021 Sequencing of labeled Basenji DNA
06-01-2021 The Basenji DNA sequence called “China” (pictured) could have a major impact on understanding dog evolution, domestication, and the hereditary diseases of dogs. Research Policy and Technology, John Corby.

Madrid, 1 (Europe Press)

The Basenji dog genome sequence – one of the most intact and complete genes – can have a huge impact on understanding a dog’s development, domestication, and hereditary diseases of dogs.

The Basenji, also known as the non-bark dog, is an ancient African breed of dog that still lived and hunted with the tribesmen of the Congo.

In the study, published in the journal BMC Genomics, researchers say the Basenji genome, which lies at the base of the dog breed lineage, is an excellent unbiased reference for future comparisons between breeds and canine evolutionary analysis.

The study’s lead author and professor of genomics and bioinformatics at the University of New South Wales (University of New South Wales) said: “The dog was probably the first animal domesticated by humans, and therefore it was artificially chosen by humans in a wide variety of dog breeds of different sizes and shapes.” . New South Wales) Sydney, Dr. Richard Edwards.

Before writing this article, it was difficult to explain the differences between the reference genomes of dogs and non-domesticated dogs, such as dingo, jackals, wolves, wolves, and foxes.

“Major changes may be the result of a recent artificial selection during the creation of a specific reference strain.

“By adding such a high-quality genome to the base of the domestic canine family tree, we have provided a focal point for studies that can help determine the timing and direction of genetic changes during domestication and subsequent breeding.”

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Dr Edwards says the Basenji genome sequence differs from the traditional dog reference genome, CanFam, and is from a highly derivative breed, the Boxer.

He says that the choice of a dog’s reference genome may influence the results of genetic studies of future dogs looking for genetic variants.

“For example, the Boxer is more closely related to other Mastiff breeds than it is to other breeds,” he says.

“This can lead to biases in the genetic analyzes of many dog ​​breeds. There is also a risk that the breed-specific variation may paint a poorly biased signal or not at all. In principle, the Basenji is equally far from most modern dog breeds.” Basically, this makes them less biased. “

Dr. Kylie Kearns is an expert on dingo identity and development in the Center for Ecosystem Sciences, University of New South Wales School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences.

She says the Basenji genome now provides a high-quality comparison with all domestic dog breeds for future studies.

“Because the Basenjis is a very ancient breed, it provides a perfect comparison with more recent breeds to explore how the strains evolved, the process of domestication, and aid in studies looking for the genes of the disease,” he says.

“This genome will also be important in comparisons with wolves, dingos, and village dogs as an example of an ancient domestic breed.”

She says the Basenji genome may allow scientists to fully reveal the evolutionary history of the first dogs and how humans formed the first dogs in the companions and breeds we have today.

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“Many people are not aware that most dog breeds appeared in the last 200 to 300 years. Therefore, access to a high-quality reference genome for an ancient breed like the Basenji provides information on the early development of the breed and how humans have formed domestic dogs over the past millennia.”