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Science and technology conference meets

The “Third Regional Conference on Science and Technology”, the virtual 2021 edition, opened yesterday in the Assembly Hall of the Hipólito Yrigoyen School in Corrientes.

Education Minister Susana Benitez, accompanied by Undersecretary for Educational Administration Julio Navias from the Ministerial Attitudes Chamber, opened the 3rd Regional Education Conference on Science and Technology: “A virtual bridge to true knowledge Science and technology directors also shared Marisa Sosa Dansey and Susana Nugara for Higher Education who did it in person from Yrigoyen High School. Provincial Secretary of Science and Technology Orlando Maceo also participated through virtual.

The 3rd Science and Technology Conference will be held from 6-10 September and through conferences, seminars, workshops and posters via the YouTube channel of the Directorate of Science and Technology from 9 am to 6 pm.

Its goal is to respond to the need to create spaces to facilitate communication between teachers of all levels and modalities of the educational system and to evaluate the range of educational experiences developed in our district schools.

Its purpose is to promote teaching practices that generate more and better learning related to science and technology, as a contribution to the formation of citizens who are able to understand social, cultural and natural contexts and to participate reflectively in contemporary society as it states. National Education Law 26,206 highlight those educational practices that have a positive impact on the quality and importance of school learning.

The educational conference also seeks to restore educational experiences on the implementation of new technologies and their pauelboritagonico.

The head of the educational file in the governorate said that it is necessary to rethink the present axes towards development and integration, and the content must be linked to reality.

“The pandemic has taught us that screens are part of this education system, and today we know technology and teachers are complementary to each other,” he added.