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Saudi Arabia has no ‘new renaissance’ for amnesty: ‘human rights defenders in prison, enslaved migrants and dozens executed’

Saudi Arabia has no ‘new renaissance’ for amnesty: ‘human rights defenders in prison, enslaved migrants and dozens executed’

Human rights defenders in prison, violent repression of dissent, dozens of executions and harassment of homosexuals. Delayed in arrival “New Renaissance” Proposed Matteo Renzi During his last trip Saudi Arabia, A country in an interview today Courier service, Is defined as a “Bulwark Against Islamic Terrorism”. According to the latest 2020-2021 report issued Amnesty International, In al-Saud country “it The repression intensified Rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly. Opponents of the government, activists among those who have been persecuted, arbitrarily detained, prosecuted and / or imprisoned Women’s rights, Human rights defenders, relatives of activists, journalists, members of the Shiite minority and critics of the government’s response to the Govt-19 epidemic. At the end of the year, in practice All known Saudi Arabian human rights defenders within the country were arrested or imprisoned“.

On the one hand, the country shows clear signs of progress, i.e. the limit Body penis Such as beating is used only in cases where it is considered mandatory Sharia, Impossible Condemn minors to death, Except when explicitly provided by Islamic law or limited by slow and gradual Training For women, on the other hand, repression against dissidents is severe, especially for those who fight for human rights.

One of the points Renzi addressed was to justify his position in his favor The one who came to define a “friend” is the crown prince Mohammed bin Salman, Considered by US intelligence Incitement to the murder of a disgruntled journalist Jamal Kashoki, Worry Death Penalty. In his self interview He wanted to answer questions raised by the media about his trip Riyadh, Rignano’s senator “Capital execution (“In Saudi Arabia, ed) Is declining from 184 in 2019 to 27 in 2020. However, the NGO report highlights an even more complicated situation: “The courts did Extensive use of the death penalty People were hanged for various crimes. ” “Authorities do not respect the international standards of due process in cases involving the death penalty, and often take them for granted Summary activities Secretly And without allowing representation or legal assistance to the accused. Foreign nationals often have no access to translation services at various stages of detention and interrogation. ”

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Although Labor cost Renzi was jealous of his own approval during the now well-known participation Davos del Deserto, Hides stories Exploitation and enslavement Those migrant workers are forced to work for poorer wages Kafala (Sponsorship) This prevents immigrants from leaving the country or changing jobs without the employer’s permission, increasing the risk of abuse and exploitation. Are approx 10 million The system was managed by migrant workers in the country. “Since the outbreak – the report says – including thousands of Ethiopian immigrants Pregnant women and children, They were Prisoners Arbitrarily under the most severe conditions, at least five detention centers across the country. The prisoners said they did not have enough food, water, health care, sanitation and clothing. The prisoners could not leave because the cells were so overcrowded. The specific needs of pregnant and lactating women are not addressed. Children, infants and adolescents were detained in the same horrific conditions as adults. ”

After the recall “War crimes And other serious violations of international law ”by the Saudi-led coalition Yemen, The report focuses on the fierce fistfight against human rights defenders. With a paragraph that gives an idea of ​​the situation in which the country finds itself: “Authorities have arbitrarily arrested and prosecuted and imprisoned human rights defenders and family members of women rights activists for peaceful action on human rights. Anti-Terrorism Law and Anti-Computer Crime Act. Almost all human beings in Saudi Arabia. Defenders of rights have also been detained without charge or trial or end-of-year imprisonment.

Bahrain, Suppression of Dissent and the Death Penalty
It also features some of the issues highlighted in the chapter dedicated to Saudi Arabia Bahrain, Senator Renzi recently visited another country Formula 1 Grand Prix. Here, too, Amnesty recorded one Severe repression Any protest against public decisions, whether on the street or online, against decisions taken by the government, formally Restriction of freedom of expression. That statement reminds us of “Bahrain It has no independent media. All national newspapers and broadcasters support the executive, and they are owned and / or operated by people close to the government. Bahrain has used the pretext of Govt-19 to further undermine freedom of expression. In March, the attorney general threatened to prosecute anyone who published or disseminated “false news” or “biased rumors” on the grounds that “the current situation” required “the support of government agencies and institutions.” A few days later, the Interior Ministry announced that it had instructed staff of the Directorate of Cyber ​​Crime ‘Monitor and monitor attack (social networking) accounts’. Those who openly condemned human rights abuses and their family members were confronted Revenge“.

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Further Torture, “Despite frequent reports of incidents in certain locations, identified by detainees of responsible organizations and sometimes with name and ranking, it states that the judiciary has not effectively intervened to deal with torture complaints submitted. It is alleged that torture was carried out in Bahrain over the past four years, with the intent to snatch a ‘confession’. No convictions were available for torture cases, the courts continued Death Penalty, In some cases “Deeply defective” processes, The government is refusing to enter the country Independent viewers On human rights.

Egypt: Persecution of dissidents, enforced disappearances and “widespread torture”
Is finallyEgypt, Italy is a country that has been vainly asking for years for cooperation in seeking the truth and justice for murder Jules Regene Who was sentenced to 14 months imprisonment? Patrick Jackie, An Egyptian student from the University of Bologna was arrested at Cairo airport on February 7, 2020. Dissent and repression here escalated after the coup in 2013, which led the general to lead the country. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, Occurred Imprisoning thousands of enemies of the regime. “Any protest, real or perceived, was constantly punished by the authorities and severely suppressed the exercise of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly, expression and association. Dozens Journalists were arbitrarily detained Because of their work or for expressing critical opinions. Authorities continued to severely restrict the federal freedom of human rights organizations and political parties. Thousands of people stayed Long-term precautionary preventionIncluding human rights defenders, journalists, politicians, lawyers and social media influencers. Detention conditions were brutal and inhumane And prisoners lost adequate medical care, which at least led or contributed 35 deaths in prison Or shortly after release. They are provided New death penalty Executions have taken place. Women are being prosecuted for crimes against ‘morality’, whether they dress, act or make money online, ”the report said.

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There was a lot of torture and ill-treatment of prisoners in prisons aimed at political opponents: “The authorities subjected hundreds of prisoners, including prisoners of conscience. Forcibly disappeared In unknown places – they continue – Torture was widespread In official and informal detention. Defendants arrested in connection with the September protests told prosecutors that they had been beaten and subjected Electric shocks By the security forces. The judiciary has consistently failed to open investigations against agents of the National Security Agency over reports of torture and enforced disappearances. ”

In addition, “detention conditions in Egyptian prisons were brutal and inhumane. Prisoners protested crowd, Poor ventilation, The Lack of hygiene And access and adequate access to toilets Food and water Drinking. Authorities tortured some detainees in solitary confinement for long or indefinite conditions. Authorities denied the detainees adequate medical care. At least 35 prisoners died in prison or shortly after their release due to medical problems and, in some cases, denial of adequate treatment. ” The courts continue to “impose the death penalty Joint and unreasonable tests“.

Twitter: ian Gianirosini