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Satellite images show more than 8,000 kilometers of sarcasm in the US: how it could affect Florida

Satellite images show more than 8,000 kilometers of sarcasm in the US: how it could affect Florida

In the next few months, a large sarcasm belt will arrive in Florida and the Caribbean. Currently, Blobs of brown algae float across the Atlantic and head toward North America. The phenomenon is not new, however, and scientists expect it to hit the coasts earlier and on a larger scale than expected this year. This theory was confirmed by satellite images taken in FebruaryMore than 8000 kilometers of Sargasham appear.

said Brian LaPointe, an ecologist at Florida Atlantic University The New York Times than a large belt of kelp “This year doesn’t predict a clean summer on the beaches.” Sargassum usually arrives on the coast from May and reaches its peak in June and July. However, it has already started piling up on some beaches in Florida and Mexico.

Scientists analyze satellite images to determine which areas have the most sargassum.Courtesy USF/NOAA

In statements taken the mountainRick Lumpkin, Director of the Physical Oceanography Division of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA, its acronym in English) promised. 2023 “One of the strongest years (in terms of sarcasm), but not the greatest.” His findings come after scientists closely observed the organisms through satellite images.

In March, new photos were taken showing just that Most of the Sargassum Belt is in the Atlantic Ocean, although there are already traces of it reaching the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. Similarly, Florida health officials reported that the algae had begun showing up on some of its beaches. Experts can monitor satellite images and identify areas of high density.

Scientists analyze satellite images to determine which areas have the most sargassum.Courtesy USF/NOAA

For his part, explained Xuanmin Hu, a researcher at the University of South Florida’s (USF) College of Marine Sciences. It was difficult to predict when sarcasm would show its maximum appearance. However, it will probably happen In late spring and early summer.

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The satellite image shows how the algae is approaching Key Largo in the Florida Keys, one of the most affected areas in the United States, Hu said. The green dots that appear offshore on the map represent patches of these algae. The western part of Florida is mostly “spare,” but the area between Panama City and Mobile Bay can get sarcasm in the spring.

Sargassum appears as patches of green around Key Largo in the Florida KeysCourtesy USF/NOAA

Monitoring of SargassumThe official page for tracking these algae, explained It drifts with the currents and reproduces and grows. Then, it floats in the sea and gets encroached on the sand by the movement of the waves until it reaches the shore. Once it reaches the shore, it dries up, decomposes or returns to the water.

Climate change may be the determining factor for the spread and uncontrolled growth of these algae. With the melting of the poles and glaciers, as well as the excessive fertilization of nutrients in the oceans, this phenomenon is becoming more common every year.Rosa Rodríguez, a biologist at the Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), explained. Country.

FILE – A layer of sargassum lies on a stretch of beach in Miami Beach, Florida, on Aug. 25, 2022. (Pedro Portal/Miami Herald via AP)

Sarcasm is not a problem for humans. however, If it lands on the beach and is exposed to sunlight, it rots and affects public health. Also, it has negative effects on tourism.
