It can happen: Two people are right in the same discussion. This is how the actor proved it Luis Gerardo Mendyz Mayor of Cuauhtémoc, Sandra Cuevas. It all started when Luis Gerardo tweeted a complaint directed at Cuevas: trash bins completely overflowing, with a terrible photo. The claim specifically refers to a basket of Colonia Condesa, although the image could be repeated hundreds of times throughout Mexico City. Cuevas responded quickly and held citizens responsible, while saying he would take care of the matter.
This garbage dump speaks about the poor education that people have. May Christmas change your hearts and your way of thinking, and let your streets love a little!
I’m attending.
– Sandra Cuevas (@SandraCuevas_) December 14, 2023
it’s the truth. What they both said is true. On the one hand, the mayor’s office should have more spaces (cans, wow) to deposit garbage. It is clear: they are overwhelmed and what is not enough. But on this occasion Sandra Cuevas is equally right. If the baskets overflow, and this vile image is born, then it is also the responsibility of the people. Logic suggests that if the trash is full, you can save the trash and throw it somewhere else. And if there’s no one in sight, no one’s going to rip out their pants pockets while carrying some trash for a few hours until they get home.
Then there’s the “bad goal,” to put it nicely, because there’s trash being thrown straight out of the can, as if it were a competition to see who leaves the floor dirtier. If people don’t care about their streets (residents and visitors), how can they complain about the lack of baskets? That is why two things must be clear: the commitment of the mayor’s office (all) to supply the necessary boats, and in addition, as Mendez pointed out, To collect garbage effectively, so that there is no accumulation, he continues.
He also talks about the need for more dumpsters in one of the country’s most touristy neighborhoods.
In addition to improving the collection system.
Thanks for coming.– Luis Gerardo Mendes (@LuisGerardoM) December 14, 2023
In a way, Cuevas responded reasonably well because he did two things: he got citizens’ attention and also set out to fix the problem. The same can be said about Luis Gerardo Méndez, who submitted his application, opposing it by affirming the non-collection and thanking him for responding to his complaint. If everything was always like this. As said at the beginning, they are both right. On the one hand, it is childish to blame the government(s) all the time for absolutely everything, even those things that fall into the hands of citizens.
This is not new. The same thing happens in the rainy season. Yes, there is a general neglect of sanitation, but people also contribute to the problem by throwing garbage on the streets (as you can see, this is a problem with different consequences). The subject of the photo is important, of course. It looks bad and no one likes to see scenes like the ones Mendes showed. But it is also enough to remember that this, that is, the accumulation of garbage, has harmful consequences in the short and long term. There is no reason to wait for the government to provide more baskets (which it should). We’ll have to see if the same doesn’t continue to happen with even more baskets.
The irony is that a person must realize for himself what is harming him. You don’t have to think about it a thousand times. At the same time, we have to keep in mind that governments, at their different levels, have responsibilities to fulfill. They would both do well to remember that. Citizens should ask for what they should get, and the government should remember that citizens also have responsibilities. It rarely happens, but it does happen: there are useful discussions, with a common goal, and where both parties are right.
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