East Africa News Post

Complete News World

ANDINA/Renato Pajuelo

San Marcos: Health sciences applicants are vying for a job vacancy today | News

A total of 8,191 applicants from the field of health sciences are taking a face-to-face entrance exam in San Marcos today for job openings in the 66 professional occupations offered by the Dean of America.

All applicants must use a KN95 mask or one of three folds under and over the community mask; In addition to lifting her hair, alcohol spray and a handkerchief.

They also compulsorily carry the applicant’s card, ID card, 2B pencil, eraser and sharpener for test development at their respective locations.

The entrance to the university halls began at six in the morning In total, 22,633 young people took the GAT in four dates, the same ones that were completed with the exam tomorrow, Sunday, December 5th.

External Transfer

For this test, the Exceptional External Transfer Acceptance Method for Students of Public or Private Universities with Refusal of Institutional License was applied, through an assessment conducted last Saturday, November 27.

Tomorrow Sunday, December 5th, corresponds to 6073 in the academic field of engineering.

Biosafety Protocol

The Admission Regulation 2022-I in its Annex 14 sets out a series of steps to be followed within the framework of the biosafety protocol that San Marcos will implement, from the days before the examination with the preparation of its facilities, as a preventive measure against COVID-19, which have been adapted to comply with the new indicators of the Ministry of Health ( Mensa).

The document affects the behavior of applicants, teachers, administrators and authorities involved in the admissions process, with regard to measures to prevent infection, which, due to the large presence on university campuses, are necessary to reduce its impact.

with the Supporting the National Police of Peru Personnel assigned to entry gates, crowds and congestion will be avoided by applicants, who must respect the timetables and access routes established by the OCA.

Also, since people outside the admissions process are prohibited from concentrating in front of or around the university doors, applicants are advised to avoid introducing themselves with their teachers or companions in order to avoid crowding.

At the end of the exam, applicants must leave in an orderly manner according to the signals of the class teachers, always maintaining social distancing, and exit through the same door designated for entry.

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Publication date: 12/4/2021