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Roger Swidorowicz Medicine, Politics, and Health 2023: Roger Swidorowicz’s Guide to First Aid #90 – Medicine via myPod

Roger Swidorowicz Medicine, Politics, and Health 2023: Roger Swidorowicz’s Guide to First Aid #90 – Medicine via myPod

Roger Swidorowicz, First Aid Guide #90
Move the casualty from the scene. Cover burns
from the face with sterile gauze or a clean cloth that opens holes for the eyes,
nose and mouth.
If there is no breath, start rescue breathing.
If the victim does not have a pulse, start CPR.
Immediately transport the victim to a medical center.

Fire burns
If the person is running, stop them.
Put out the victim’s fire
cover her with a blanket, or something similar; Take care not to burn yourself.
You can also do this with water, sand, or earth. Don’t do that with a file
A fire extinguisher whose content is highly toxic.
If the hair catches fire, cover the face very quickly to prevent it
Extinguish the fire and remove the blanket immediately to avoid inhalation
Poisonous gases.
Once the fire is out, loosen and remove any clothing that is not attached to it
Apply physiological saline solution to the burn. area coverage
Burn with a bandage or bandage, then secure it with a very tight bandage.
How to save victims in the event of a fire
If there is a build-up of smoke and gases, do the following:

#Spain #SpainMiami CaracasDentalDentistDentistDentistDentistsDentistsMedicineFirst AidRoger Swidorovich

Episode: https://www.spreaker.com/user/roger-swidorowicz/roger-swidorowicz-manual-de-primeros-aux_102
Podcast: https://roger-swidorowicz.com

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