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Robotic dogs and personalized medicine to help you determine your future job

Robotic dogs and personalized medicine to help you determine your future job

Am I going to study? What do I want to do professionally? These are the questions on teenagers’ minds that are often not easy to answer. To help them determine their academic and professional future, Villagarcia Council Organized yesterday in the hall Second edition of “(in)format”A technical day that has achieved an important leap since its first experience. So, Four hundred students From the city’s three institutes (O Carril, Castro Alobre and Cotarelo), the two independent schools (San Francisco and Sagrada Familia) and CIFP Fontecarmoa were able to get first-hand exposure to the educational offers of the different universities and study centres. Young people are attending Fourth year of ESO, first year of baccalaureate or first year of training courses.

Personal medications

The University of Santiago (USC) bleachers took up the entire atrium in front of the conference hall. Follower faculty of Pharmacy the teacher Patricia Diaz And the researcher Barbara White They showed the students a pharmacy application other than the most famous of which is community pharmacy. Using hydrogel and food coloring they created microcapsules To be administered orally. “We get personalized medications based on the patient’s needs,” Diaz says. “We also use hydrogels to achieve this prosthesisSuch as soft tissues such as the brain, and 3D printed scaffolds for bones.

Patricia Diaz and Barbara Blanco, from the College of Pharmacy, create microcapsules.

In the field of nutrition, active compounds were extracted from plants and how to obtain edible films to protect food.

Forestry and agriculture, with a lot of production

from Lugo Campuspre-doctoral researcher Iago Listido And other colleagues detail to Villagarcia students the benefits degrees offer Higher School of Applied Arts of EncinariaSuch as a dual degree in forestry and agriculture or robotics. In this sense, the robotic dog that toured the hall aroused great excitement. “They are degrees with a lot of job opportunities However, they are not well known,” comments the engineer from Montes. With many insects on the table, they explain Pests affecting the forest sector and agricultural crops.

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Robots have received great interest from students.

Follower Interdisciplinary Research Center in Environmental Technologies (CRETOS) Several units from USC participated in the sessions. naomi silva, The postdoctoral researcher in archaeology and environmental anthropology points out that Fossil pollen You can find out what Vegetation, agriculture, or past climate changes. “We study the relationship between humans and the environment,” he concludes.

And it was for researchers too Bones (ribs, vertebrae, or humerus) to show to the students. “We study ancient societies through bone remains that provide us with information about diet, whether that person suffered from any diseases, etc.,” he points out. Zaira Garcia.

Next to you, Raquel Farinasfrom Cretus Biogroup, is intended for use Apple dregs To obtain polyphenols and biobutanol.

How much does a pilot earn?

In addition to public centres, other private centers have also introduced their academic offerings, e.g Northwest Air Fleet (AFN) It is based at La Coruña Airport. “We always have students from the Arousa area,” admits the commercial director. Borja Fernandez. The million dollar question is always the same: How much money does a pilot make?. to It starts between 1,900 and 4,500 euros Depending on the company, the amounts that It grows in a few months to 9,000 euros. The duration of this training ranges from one and a half to three years English level From the student.

Mayor of Villagarcia, Alberto Varela, Xuventude Councilor, Álvaro Caro, and Culture Councilor, Sonia Otton, visited the stands.

the students

What do the students think? Some already have a clear idea of ​​what they want to do, e.g Mar Corenfrom the first year of the baccalaureate I. S. CotarelloWho will fight to study building In La Coruña. her boyfriend Lara Rodriguez Yazan field education But this is not final. Students agree that “these sessions help us a lot in orienting ourselves.”

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Soraya Catuira Study the fourth year of ESO in IES, Carriely will go on to earn his bachelor of science with a focus in health. “I want to do something related to Forensic Medicine Without going to university,” he confirms.

to Marina Alonsofrom the same course and institute, would like to study the Social Baccalaureate in Humanities and afterwards Law in Santiago To exercise as well lawyer“if it was possible Athlete“. “I love sports very much; I do rhythmic gymnastics,” admits the young woman from Villagarcia.

he USC Galicia Radon Laboratory searching for Volunteers in the O Salnés area For them to do it Measurements of this gas in their homes With the aim of incorporating the data into a new study. Therefore, the entity needs the information obtained Sixteen parishes or places Cement.

As he explained Researcher Lucia Martinin the municipality Villagarcia They are Aralunga, Cornazo, Sobradillo, Sobrán and Santa Eulalia. in Villanova Bayonne, Andras and Calero; in Miss San Salvador and San Martinho; in Cambados Santa Marina and Corvilon; And in Ribadomia Santa Baia, Barantes, Pissomanio and Cézanne.

The only condition for participation is this Home is usual in which the person resides; It cannot be empty. The laboratory delivers the measuring device to the volunteer completely free.

QR code through which volunteers can download all the information.