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resonant |  Discovery of new species of plants for scientific purposes in the protected natural areas of Cajamarca, San Martín and Amazonas: photos |  Peru

resonant | Discovery of new species of plants for scientific purposes in the protected natural areas of Cajamarca, San Martín and Amazonas: photos | Peru

A valuable contribution to the knowledge and conservation of biodiversity in the world was represented by the discovery of seven new species of plants of the genus Blakea Amazon in PeruFour of them are in the area Protected natural areas From the regions of Cajamarca, San Martin and Amazonas, as reported by the National Service of Natural Areas Protected by the State (Cernana), affiliated with the Ministry of Environment.

The genus Blakea of ​​the family Melastomataceae includes woody-rooted climbing plants, shrubs and trees that can be terrestrial or epiphytic (plant species that grow on a plant or other object that it uses only as support), distributed in the Neotropics.

Of these new discoveries, three (Blakea leoniae, Blakea quinta, and Blakea yumi) have been recorded within the Chayu Nain Community Reserve (Amazonas), one (B. pavida) in Cotervo National Park (Cajamarca) and one (B. leoniae) in the Alto Forest Mayo Protection (San Martin).

The species B. leoniae is endemic to the Premontane and montane forests, in Amazonas and San Martín, and is recorded at an altitude of 1000 to 2000 m, while B. quinta and B. yumi are endemic to montane forests, in Amazonas, and are distributed between 1800 to 2160 m and 2010 to 2160 m, respectively; And B. pavida is endemic to high-altitude montane forests, in Amazonas and Cajamarca, at an altitude of 2000 to 2660 metres.

In this regard, the President of SERNAP, José Carlos Nieto, emphasized that developing research in protected natural areas allows us to increase knowledge about the biodiversity they contain, and the information that forms the basis for decision-making and effective management of these spaces. ; As well as ensuring that the resources it provides are preserved and used sustainably, which achieves well-being for the local population.

Read also: There are 246 protected natural areas in Peru. Who manages them?

In this sense, he noted that CERNAP encourages research in the ANP through initiatives such as the scholarship program, which not only allows for the generation of valuable information, but also provides opportunities for young researchers to discover new species in Peru.

These new findings were made as part of a research study developed by experts from the Department of Plant Ecology at Corbidi, the Natural History Museum of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, the South China Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the University of Missouri. Biological station of the botanical garden; It is funded in part by a scholarship from Sernanp, Yunkawasi and the Community of Wildlife Management of Latin America (COMFAUNA), within the framework of the 4th ANP Priority Research Scholarship Competition.

These results are the result of a study of the Melastomataceae family in the Peruvian Andes, which included botanical expeditions to different regions of Peru (mainly the Amazon and Cajamarca), including the first scientific expedition to the Chayo Nin Community Reserve, as well as evaluation. Botanical specimens in national and international herbaria.

Likewise, this monograph publishes three other species of the genus Blakea that occur in areas outside protected natural areas (B. eden, B. rojasiae, and B. wilderi) and includes comments on new records and species of the genus, and updates the official species list. Blakea species in Peru, bringing the recorded number to 33, of which 14 are endemic.

The study was published in the scientific journal Phytotaxa by researchers Ruben Fernandez Hilario, Luis Bellaca Huacre, Rosa Villanueva Espinosa, Sebastian Riva Regalado, Rocío del Pilar Rojas González, Renato Goldenberg, and Fabian Michael Angeli; who suggest that the species B. pavida and B. quinta and B. The yumi is in the critically endangered category and the majority of remaining species are vulnerable, according to IUCN standards.