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Registration for the Faculty of Social Sciences will reopen in February

Registration for the Faculty of Social Sciences will reopen in February

In February 2023, pre-registration for the six courses you offer will reopen Faculty of Social Sciences (FACSO), affiliated to the National University of Buenos Aires Provincial Center.

Registration will open between February 6 and 22, and between that week and March 17 Preliminary Course for University Life (CIVU), In two shifts: morning from 9 am to 12 noon and afternoon from 5 pm to 8 pm.

Through CIVU, FACSO participants will work on a core focus: functionality College student and its relationship to the social sciences.

Academic presentation Includes degree courses Journalism, Certificate in Social Communication; Degree in Anthropology of Social Orientation. Degree in anthropology and archeology orientation; and professors of social communication and anthropology.

For the registration procedure, those interested in the first place must complete online formThen submit all documents to the headquarters Faculty of Social SciencesAvenida Del Valle 5737. Academic activities will resume on Monday, February 6, 2023.

How to register

Step 1: Enter the 2023 registration option on the website www.soc.unicen.edu.ar and complete the pre-registration form. Once done, download the receipt in PDF (the four spreadsheets generated by the system) and print it out.

If pre-registration was done in previous years, you must enter the same email, username and password to update and print the pre-registration form.

Step 2: Gather the following documents (on paper):

High school degree (notarized photocopy), proof of degree in process (if you have already finished high school) or an ordinary student certificate with details of subjects owed (if you have finished high school and still owe subjects).

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A copy of the identity card (front and back).

– 4×4 photo license number (2 photos).

-Photo from birth certificate

Provides a full health newspaper here.

Step 3: The pre-registration slip (printed) as well as all paper documents must be presented in person at the student section window from February 6-22, 2023 (Mon-Fri, working days) during business hours. From 10 to 17.


Those interested can contact by mail inscripcioncarrerafacso@gmail.comBy phone to the Student Office 02284-450331 ext. 8041, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Inquiries for more information about the races should be sent by mail to futuros.estudiantes@soc.unicen.edu.ar or on the cell phone 02284-15500331.