from 05 to 25 next April This year, the recruitment process will be active for young people who want to enter the National University of Experimental Security (UNES) National Fire Science and Fire Science Training Program.
High school graduates up to the age of 25 will be able to go to the various stations, as well as to the training centers of the University of National Experimental Security (UNES) in Altos Mirandinos, Guarenas-Guatire, Barlovento and Valles del Tuy from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Review the Miranda government press release.
In this sense, T/Col. Laura GirardiThe Mirandi Firefighter’s First Commandant reported that, by coordinating the education district, she initiated the program to enhance study and professionalization possibilities in the firefighter district.
“By handing in brochures, introductory talks and exhibitions of preventative work, we demonstrate the benefits of the profession, as well as the study possibilities that make practicing a firefighter a profession,” Girardi said.
He noted the receptivity of those interested to the Fridays held recently in the Valles del Tuy axis, where he reiterated that they would also be held in Barlovento, Guarinas, Guatear, and Altos Mirandinos.
Those interested can also contact UNES or the Miranda Fire Department through the social networks @bomberosmiranda and unsoficial.


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