“The World Cup party is already taking place in the streets of Doha!”
This is how the Organization and Legacy Committee does it Qatar 2022 The joy he experienced this weekend in the streets of the Qatari capital after a week of The beginning of the World Cupa preview of November 20.
There were patucadas, flags, wigs, hats and many shouts from the fans supporting Germany, Argentina, Brazil, Spain, France, England, Mexico and Portugal.
But some fans from those countries are beginning to question the authenticity of their “nationals” in Qatar.
Through social networks, they noticed that a significant part of their so-called fans have features very similar to those of the inhabitants of the Middle East.
“These kids What part of Spain are they from?asked a Twitter user, which casually showed Spaniards blowing horns and drumming without much beat, a Spanish-speaking couple celebrating their support for La Roja in Qatar.
While parading along the Corniche Street, one of Doha’s main arteries, supposed Argentine fans donned the masks of some of the Argentine national teams.
A few sang in Spanish the classic cheerleader “Come on, come on, Argentina…!”. However, the rest seemed just trying to keep up. One Twitter user asked, “Do they get paid to be fans of other countries, or what?”
image source, Reuters
The Brazilian batucada was also present. But the rhythm was not classic for Verdemarella’s party.
At the parade there were also fans from France or England who also attracted attention.
The alleged Spain fans drew attention in the European country’s press.
image source, Reuters
In the case of the Mexicans, the World Cup ceremony was different.
embassy Mexico I mentioned in Qatar that the country’s community of citizens had gathered in a different place to cheer on the upcoming arrival of the Mexican national team.
Shouts of “Mexico, Mexico!” They were cheered on by a few dozen attendees in classic Mexican hats and the tricolor flag.
Travel to the World Cup this year It could be a problem for hobbyists because long costssays Dan Rowan, BBC Sports Editor.
There is uncertainty about the fan experience in Qatar. Apartments, hotel rooms, desert camps, villas and even rooms on cruise ships have been made available. But some fans have complained about the accommodation options. limited and expensiveRowan explains.
This may be a factor limiting the presence of fans from the 32 countries participating in the World Cup.
image source, Reuters
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