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Purcell, European Federation of Internal Medicine Fellow

Purcell, European Federation of Internal Medicine Fellow

Jose Manuel Purcell.

Awarded by the European Federation of Internal Medicine (FEFIM) Jose Manuel Purcellmedical director of the University Hospital Arnau de Vilanova and researcher at the Institute for Biomedical Research (IRBLleida), privileged Colleague, Dedicated to professionals who have distinguished themselves for their merits and contributions to internal medicine in Europe. FEFIM marked Porcel last Thursday, June 9, during the celebration of the XX European Congress of Internal Medicine held in Malaga.

Founded in 1996, FEFIM is an international organization consisting of 34 European Society of Internal Medicine. Its objectives include highlighting the importance of the specialty, establishing bridges of communication between European internal medicine physicians, organizing conferences and meetings and providing information to public and private institutions on internal medicine.

Profile of Jose Manuel Purcell

José M. Porcel is Professor of Medicine and Medical Director of the University Hospital Arnau de Vilanova de Lleida (Spain) and Head of the Department of Internal Medicine and Head of the Vulnerary Unit at the same hospital. He is currently section editor of the European Respiratory Journal (the official publication of the European Respiratory Society), co-editor of ERJ Open Research (an official publication of the European Respiratory Society), and editor-in-chief of the Spanish Journal of Medicine (the official publication of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine).

His clinical and research interests primarily focus on pleurisy It ranks second among the world’s experts in the pleura. It also has extensive creative work. Edited 8 medical books He has authored over 300 original manuscripts and delivered over 60 invited lectures on pleurisy in 16 different countries during the past 10 years.

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In addition to his recent appointment, Purcell is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians (FACP), Fellow of the American College of Chest Physicians (FCCP), Fellow of the European Respiratory Society (FERS), Fellow of the European Federation of Internal Medicine (FEFIM) and Fellow of the Asia Pacific Society of Systemic Medicine Respiratory (FAPSR).

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