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Psychiatry and law, two sciences forced to understand each other, in Jerez

Psychiatry and law, two sciences forced to understand each other, in Jerez

This Tuesday, November 28, at 7:30 p.m., it will be held at San Dionisio Academy.the last conference of the Medicine and Society course entitled “Psychiatry and Law, two sciences forced to understand each other”, which will be presented by the psychiatrist resident in Jerez. Dionisio Romero Comilla. It is delivered by the full academic and coordinator of this course, Juan Carlos Duran Alonso.

Psychiatry as a medical specialty exists in many areas of society. Its relationship with the law goes back many centuries, when it began to be realized that mental illness could influence people’s actions and thus have legal value.

Lawyers deal with more and more psychological knowledge They know its importance in various fields of law, especially criminal and civil law.

Capacity and capacity can be affected by mental illness, and psychiatrists must provide advice to do justice to their knowledge.

Your performance will be in the form of an expert, with your reports and testimonies, Way to help lawyers, prosecutors and judges.

In this conference we will discussExplain how both sciences are relatedHow do they complement each other and how should psychiatrists and jurists have concepts about other sciences? The most important mental illnesses and their legal implications will be reviewed.

Attendance at the event is free until capacity is reached.

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