East Africa News Post

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President Boukili announced the launch of defamation messages against the press on social media, according to the rapporteur of the Algerian News Agency (APES).

President Boukili announced the launch of defamation messages against the press on social media, according to the rapporteur of the Algerian News Agency (APES).

Serafin Valencia stated that this is the usual procedure in social networks that President Buckili and his officials follow to attack the press, in relation to the recent report issued by Reporters Without Borders, which undermines the status of El Salvador in its respect for freedom of the press.

The President of the Republic, Neb Bokil, launched defamation messages against the independent press on social media, as well as his officials and groups of his supporters who are monitoring what the president publishes, in order to destroy his image and journalistic work. Which reduces El Salvador’s place in the index of respect for freedom of the press.

In an analysis he gave in a morning interview with Radio YSUCA on Thursday, Valencia stated that what was revealed in the report was “worrying”, as it is a state of constant and permanent deterioration against freedom of the press.

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The APES rapporteur added that to this is added “the delegitimization of public officials themselves” who constantly release stigmatizing messages towards the media and journalists through the editorial line of the means in which they work, or the editorial line of the spaces in which independent journalists develop.

“When President Buckley tweeted his famous phrase“ uncomfortable journalists, ”he was already making a mark, he was already marking the foreheads of those journalists he was pointing to,“ he criticized and explained that the journalists are receiving help from the right. Also, to express opinion, whether on social networks or in places where opinions are permitted.

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He also explained that when President Buckley identifies content that he does not satisfy or feels that it touches upon some ambiguity, where obfuscation is dealt with within his administration, “he comes out with stigmatizing attack messages to delegitimize the work of journalists. Then other government officials come or the phishing center or groups are activated. Supporters of partisans or Bokeli and start the offensive. “

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We can put it another way, the president (Buckley) gives the trigger for these messages and then officials and huge groups of followers start vigorous attacks on this media or journalists with the aim of destroying the image or the credibility of the press. He tried to question those works that attempt to shed light on investigations by newspapers such as El Faro, Factum and Gato Encerrado, as well as traditional media such as El Diario de Hoy and La Prensa Gráfica who dared to make some thematic publications, “he declared.

The reporter also indicated in his analysis that the restriction of information in the presidential home began before the spread of the epidemic, with the exclusion of journalists who did not join the official narrative, as well as with the space they could or could not ask about.