Miguel Valero She started compiling her list for Tokyo Olympics 2021 And some of the footballers who were in the Guadalajara Pre-Olympic, unfortunately did not make the final call, some due to poor performance and some due to injury.
I applied ten from last Thursday The four soccer players – out of three potential – who will enter the payroll as reinforcements Among the sure sacrifices is the case of the right-back, Carlos Horacio Argueta, due to an injury (a broken hind leg) he sustained in recent weeks
Carlos Argueta’s photo He was popular in the under-23 teams, but this injury kept him out of action.
It should be remembered that the Vida defender also suffered a sprain in his right ankle during the pre-Olympic match against Haiti, but was able to recover in the semi-final match.
Watch: Called up by Jorge Benguchi for the Honduran Sub-23 Division Small Tournament
Another player who has experienced discomfort is the midfielder Josep Rosales Which has not yet been ruled out by the technical staff. Olympic competition requires the players to be of the highest caliber, and Honduras will not be able to afford to travel with injured footballers.
in case if Daniel Maldonado (Replaced in the final against Mexico) he underwent surgery (for a collateral ligament tear in his right ankle), but he has already recovered to direct the defensive zone of the “H”.
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The federation will announce the official list of those called up next Thursday, July 1, and TEN has already made some reinforcements in sights such as Andy Carpenter, Brian Moya, Jonathan Rubio and Jorge Benguci.

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