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PRASA launches a new cyberattack gateway and credit monitoring service

PRASA launches a new cyberattack gateway and credit monitoring service

the Water and sanitation authority (AAA) today, Saturday, activated a new portal detailing the steps they have taken to mitigate the effects of the March 13 ransomware cyberattack and Availability of a form through which all customers, employees and former employees of the public institution can request free credit monitoring service for one year.

the gate Has been chosen Highlights that AAA continues to collaborate with Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), W Puerto Rico’s innovation and technology service (PRITS) f Federal Agency for Cybersecurity and Security Infrastructure (CISA), attached b The Department of Homeland Security (Department of Homeland Security), to investigate the breach and find those responsible, identified as members of the cybercrime organization “Vice Society”.


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Despite the fact that they did not provide specific numbers regarding the number of clients, employees, and/or companies whose personal information was posted through the cache (data dump) from 10 to 11 GB of data uploaded to the Vice Society dark web portal on March 23, PRASA reiterated that the hacked information consisted of names and phone numbers, Social securitydriver’s license numbers, passport numbers, voter card numbers, and other personal identification numbers.

In addition to assuring customers and employees to carry out tasks to protect themselves from crimes related to identity theft, such as requesting credit reports, monitoring their credit activity, and requesting a credit freeze at the three major companies (TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax), The new AAA portal also has a form that people can fill out to request credit monitoring service.

The portal confirms that it started accepting applications on April 4, and people will have until July 3, 2023, to sign up for the service. The new day PRASA has requested the name of the company contracted to carry out the monitoring service and is awaiting a response.

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At this time, it is unknown if AAA has communicated directly with the persons whose information has been disclosed. The public institution made it clear, through a tweet, that the credit monitoring service will be available to active and inactive customers, employees and former employees.

El Nuevo Día completed the registration process and, after sending the data, the portal indicated that AAA would validate the information provided and that it would then send, by mail, the instructions to obtain the credit control service.

Typically, these services will ask you to enter your Social Security number, address, phone number, and possibly a passport number, and with this data, in theory, will alert you if attempts to get new lines or credit cards, open bank accounts or apply for loans, and any An online purchase someone attempts to make on a shopping portal such as Amazon.com.

However, these monitoring services aren’t foolproof, so one of the best defenses is to apply for a credit freeze with TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax. Once your credit is frozen, it will be very difficult (although not impossible) for any criminal to apply for loans, apply for credit cards, or carry out financial crimes with your identity, because when a business, bank, or company performs a credit check, it will They stumble upon the fact that there is a freeze order.