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PPCV calls for joint campus between UMH and UA medical studies

PPCV calls for joint campus between UMH and UA medical studies

Alicante, September 14 (European Press) –

The PPCV has expressed its “firm support” for the creation of an inter-university health campus in Alicante that combines medical studies at the Miguel Hernández University (UMH) in Elche and the University of Alicante (UA) in order to “promote the development of talent” and “professionalism of future doctors” who will join the public health system of the Valencian Community.

The spokesperson for the universities of the Popular Parliamentary Group (GPP) in Les Corts, Lola Roche, highlighted the “urgent need to increase the number of health professionals in Spain”. “The shortage of doctors is a concrete reality that requires innovative and effective solutions,” she continued.

The council’s proposal seeks to “add synergy” between the province’s two universities “to increase training capacity and respond to the growing demand for doctors,” PPCV said in a statement.

Currently, the province of Alicante has “only six medical graduates per 100,000 inhabitants, a figure well below the national average, which is 13 graduates per 100,000 inhabitants,” said Roche.

“With this new inter-university campus, Alicante can increase the number of medical graduates, approaching the national average to help alleviate the shortage of doctors in the public health system,” he stressed.

“broad backup”

Furthermore, the MP underlined “the broad support that the proposal has received from the university community and other key players in the province”. He stressed that “from the Alicante Chamber of Commerce to the relevant municipal councils, and after going through institutions from the two universities and even medical and health bodies, they have expressed their support for this initiative”.

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For Roche, the creation of this inter-university health complex “will not only benefit the province of Alicante, but will also contribute to improving the quality of the health system throughout the Valencian Community”. He stressed that “it is essential that we continue working on solutions that guarantee the quality of health care, and this initiative is a decisive step in this direction”.

For this reason, the government has called for “an increase in MIR places in the community, allowing doctors to continue their training in the region in the specialty they have requested and not have to go to other communities.”