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Police report that the group of men who stormed the school campus in Villa Mila to conduct an illegal search do not belong to the institution – Dominican National Police

Police report that the group of men who stormed the school campus in Villa Mila to conduct an illegal search do not belong to the institution – Dominican National Police

The group of men who stormed the school campus in Villa Mila to conduct an illegal search did not belong to the institution, police reported

– The detainees will be brought to justice through the Public Prosecution.

The National Police reported on Saturday that the uniformed men with clothes similar to the police, who stormed an educational center located in Vila Mila to conduct illegal searches in several classrooms, were not members of any of the areas of the institution, claiming that it works in coordination with authorities in the educational sector. This is completely untrue.

In this sense, agents of the school police, in coordination with representatives of the Public Ministry, located and arrested Gerardo Junior Laureano Carmona, Isaac Santos Méndez, Ronald Ariel Pascual, Albert José Santos Medina, and Christian Bale Méndez, who turned themselves in to Manuel. Polytechnic Aurelio Tavarez Justo, from the above-mentioned sector of the municipality of Santo Domingo Norte, where they identified themselves as belonging to the municipal citizens’ security, in the company of several other people.

The report adds that the five men who usurped their jobs and acted in an irregular manner claimed, upon their presence in the aforementioned center, that they were working in coordination with educational authorities and at the request of the community, which turned out to be a lie.

Detainees have now gone so far as to use pepper spray in the dining room and bathroom area, affecting a 15-year-old student and a psychiatrist, whose names have been withheld, who were receiving medical care.

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This action is attributed to detainee Ronald Ariel Pascual.

Another of them also handcuffed a minor student, so the Deputy Northern Regional Director, accompanied by the head of Region 10-02 and a number of police officers, went to the scene of the incident to begin investigating the case.

The five men mentioned above were transferred to Section N-1, in Villa Mila, where the authorities of the said educational center lodged their complaint.

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