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PLD Secretary General compares PRM government to Titanic |  Momento.net

PLD Secretary General compares PRM government to Titanic | Momento.net

PLD Secretary General compares PRM government to Titanic |  Momento.net

Charles Mariotti.

Santo Domingo: The Secretary General of the Dominican Liberation Party, Charles Mariotti, likened the current government of the Dominican Republic to the Titanic, the famous ship dating back to the beginning of the last century that sank with thousands of people on board.

He pointed out that the aforementioned boat, despite its large capacity, capsized and while it drowned the musicians inside it, “they continued to play.”

He claimed that the PCP government is a sinking ship and there should be no doubt about it, and this is happening “despite all the money it invests, and seeks to silence and impose self-censorship” on the media. A practice that “represents a danger to democracy.”

In his opinion, the logic in the media is: “I censor myself because I receive a lot and can lose a lot.”

Mariotti’s criteria are contained in a press release sent to ALMOMENTO.NET by the Press Secretariat of the Purple Party.

The path to rescue opposing the coalition

Mariotti said that on the 29th of this month, the deadline for registering candidates before the Central Electoral Council closes, and there is enough time to complete the final formation of the RD Opposition Rescue Alliance.

Regarding the People’s Democratic Party, he said that “the party has the most experience in this matter” and that on the side of popular power there are also people who manage the affairs of the state.
