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Philosophy of medicine All news from Valencia

The audience learned in the conference hall of the Royal Academy of Medicine and Surgery in Valladolid. Founded in 1731 by decrees of King Charles II, the Academy was attended in the past by Salvino Sierra of Palencia as president and Emilio Díaz Caneja as academician. I give the floor to Dr. Eduardo Crespo this Thursday.

Crespo gave a special lecture, which begins as a history of medicine rising to the philosophy of the Ars Medica, illustrated with classical sculptures and carefully selected paintings from the academies.
The crucible of medical training is contemplation, measurement, reflection, attention, and contemplation with patients, from whom, of course, healing and healing arise. But pre-medicine was only the world of healers with intuitive, magical thinking. Pre-Socratics and Socrates: Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle tell us about supernatural gods of supernatural beings.

The invasion of ancient European Roman lands by barbarians constitutes the turning point for man to be considered an integral part of nature. For Hippocrates of Arc, medicine is rational, scientific, less magical, and more realistic. He is the true father of current medicine.

The humoral theory of the humours makes us see a man bathed in their fluids, estimating his future by their content, which leads to the discovery of what has been called the sacred disease, epilepsy.
From the organization of scientific knowledge arise sentences and proverbs, and through rise environmental pathology, epidemiology, surgery, gynecology and ethics.

After that, medicine became more humane, scientific and humane. With a passive medicine that introduces a person to nature, and another active medicine through which he fights disease, comes healing or renewal. Hence, this ability to regenerate is symbolized by the snake of Asclepius.

Currently, in the first half of the twentieth century, sanatorium efforts have been undertaken by academic intellectuals: linguists, archaeologists, and historians of the ancient world. In the second half, the doctors we call humanists, or endocrinologist Marañon, or anthropologist Lin Intralgo.

Medical art today needs constant feedback and review where rationality, science and harmony do not die, in a horizon devoid of humanity, where chaos or pure technology prevails. Science must find its way towards knowledge and technology will seek a balance to provide security, of course, without going beyond nature, seeking the best slogans in residential medicine. Dr. Crespo started from the history of medicine and reached the point of harmonious integration with the whole.

Congratulations Doctor, you can’t go any higher. It is necessary to have a deep knowledge of science to advance the perspective of the metaphysics of medicine.