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Pepca is appealing the verdict against those involved in the Super Tucano case

Pepca is appealing the verdict against those involved in the Super Tucano case

The Public Prosecution has appealed the verdict acquitting those accused of taking bribes from 3.5 million US dollars Distributed by the Brazilian airline (Embraer), to benefit as a supplier of eight Super Tucano aircraft.

The appeal was filed with the Secretariat of the 3rd Collegiate Court of the National District, by the Chief Prosecutor for Administrative Corruption (Pepca), Wilson Camacho and Litigation Coordinator Myrna Ortiz.

Now the file should be sent to the head of the National District Assize Chamber, Julio Cesar Cano Alvowho will authorize one of the three criminal chambers of the court, which must certify the decision or, on the contrary, order a new trial.

Among the arguments taken by the Public Prosecution Office to appeal the court’s ruling, the statements of Judges Arlen Ventura Jimenez (President), Leticia Martinez Noboa and Milagros Mercedes Ramirez Cabrera, contradict the arguments that the ministry says it does not share.

court Pleaded not guilty to retired Major General Pedro Rafael Peña AntonioFormer Defense Minister. for the colonel Carlos Piccini Nunezformer Director of Special Projects for the Dominican Air Force (FAD), and entrepreneur Daniel Aquino Hernandezas well as companies 4D Business Group and Magycor.

mention that Opinion submitted on May 3The Public Prosecution Office asked the court to impose a 10-year prison sentence on Peña Antonio, Pechiné Nunez and Aquino Hernandez, for the crimes attributed to them. He also requested payment A $7 million fine.

Further, against each of the companies that asked to pay a fine of 100 minimum wage.

La Pepca accused the group of violating several articles of the Dominican Penal Code, Law 448-06 on bribery in trade and investment, and old Law 72-02 on money laundering.

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The process began in 2016 and the accusation was later filed in 2017.

Embraer, which admitted to accepting bribes in 2018, was ordered to pay $7 million and $40 thousand to the Dominican state.

Investigations in this case included tracking remittances at home and abroad, analyzing and verifying assets, examining bank account movements, as well as locating and investigating assets.