Everything was ready, the speculations are over and we go with our best. Now yes, the ‘Blanquirroja’ team kicks off the Qatar 2022 operation live and heads tonight to Barcelona, where they will focus for a few days while waiting for a match. hem, on June 13, with the winner between Australia and the United Arab Emirates. But he will first play a friendly match against New Zealand on the fifth of the same month.
more information: Paulo Guerrero has received an offer from Colo Colo, despite talks with Alianza Lima [VIDEO]
Although it has been speculated in the last hours Paolo Guerrero can travel with the delegation To be a moral support and see if at the last moment he can play the compromise, It turns out that Ricardo Gareca saw him training and decided the best thing for him was to stay in Lima and continue his recovery. And so, with maximum optimism, he can be in the best conditions before the final qualification for the World Cup.

The team is complete
One of the technical leadership’s concerns is Luis Advincula, who arrived in Lima yesterday morning. The winger has a muscle injury in his right hamstring (rupture) and the recovery period will be at least three weeks.
It will be equipped, but it is known that the strategist has already spoken with Aldo Corzo to motivate him so that if Rayo does not arrive, he will be the one to replace him. At night Carlos Zambrano and Santiago Urmenho joined.
And the two-color team continued their training, yesterday’s call-up from Alianza Lima as well as Gabriel Costa. Renato Tapia has traveled from Vigo to Barcelona and is already training while waiting for the delegation. Cueva, Carrillo, Peña, Trauco and Lapadula will arrive directly. Today we leave with faith, believing that everything will turn out as it should and dreaming of the World Cup for the second time in a row.
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