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Palma will host an international conference on hydrology in June

Palma will host an international conference on hydrology in June

regulate it Association of Marine and Oceanographic Sciences (ASLO), between June 4 and 9, the Palacio de Congresos de Palma will hold the ASLO International Congress of Aquatic Sciences, which will host more than 2,300 experts.

The meeting will make Mallorca a global hub for the exchange of hydrological scientific knowledge

As reported by the palace, it is a scientific meeting, under the theme “Resilience and Recovery in Aquatic Systems”, Experts from 70 countries He will discuss aquatic sciences and will pay particular attention to sustainability in the aquatic environment.

During the conference, among other works, the latest studies on oceanic posidonia will be presented, related to storm effects or effects of brine discharge from desalination plants into the sea, plant temperature ranges, accumulation of ultraviolet filters, influence of plastics and heavy metals, and carbon dioxide uptake. Or save, restore and restore Posidonia ecosystems.

They wanted to shed light from the palace on how the meeting would transform Mallorca into Global Center for the Exchange of Aquatic Scientific Knowledgeand that “the scientific community of the Balearic Islands itself would be appreciative.”

Support from local entities

The conference has the support of local entities such as University of the Balearic Islands (UIB), and Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies (Imedea, CSIC-UIB), and Spanish Institute of Oceanography (COB-IEO, CSIC) and Balearic coastal forecasting and monitoring system (Sosip).

Entities will engage in their research on coastal seafloor biodiversity, transport and circulation of greenhouse gases between the ocean and atmosphere, plastic waste pollution or climate change and its impacts on the oceans.

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The ASLO Education and Participation Committee invited groups of secondary school teachers, as well as undergraduate and graduate students from UIB, to participate in some meetings. With the aim of bringing knowledge of the aquatic environment closer to the local educational community and make a positive impact on the environment.

On the other hand, ASLO launched the initiative ASLO Storytellers At the Colegio San Cayetano in Palma, an awareness-raising activity about the aquatic environment is aimed at students between the ages of 5 and 12.