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Pablo Achugarry Gallery in the City of Arts and Sciences

Pablo Achugarry Gallery in the City of Arts and Sciences

The City of Arts and Sciences is the site of the “Historic Exhibition” of Uruguayan sculptor Pablo Achugarry. The artist exhibits in Valencia Seven large pieces In his first public exhibition in Valencia. Under a suggestive title “Towards the future”Achugari proposes a dialogue between art and architecture. Sponsored by the former director of Ifam Cosme di BaragnanoTomorrow, Achugari will be opening this selection of exquisite pieces, some of which have been handcrafted Honestly To be displayed along the complex's outer promenade, From the Science Museum to the Palau de les Arts, via Hemisfèric.

“that it A historic moment in my lifeIt is my first public exhibition in Spain,” explains the artist in a conversation with Raise-EMV He reveals that “the spirit of these works is the relationship with light and space, which is the same problem that architecture suffers from.” “It is – he continues – a great opportunity for dialogue. “We can see the extraordinary architectural details through the sculptures,” he says.

The pieces transported by the sculptor to Valencia also share materials with architecture, and “typical” materials e.g marble -Carrara or Portuguese rose-, Bronze Or the steelIn which he uses “car colors, contemporary colors, and design colors, and I give priority.” the principle colors“Like blue or red,” he explains.

Achugari recalls that he has been working with Carrara marble for 45 years. “My first work dates back to 1979, the light. Then I continued this material, and added others, because the idea is precisely the idea of ​​dialogue. He's excited about the City of Arts and Sciences because “with this extraordinary architecture and its light colors, I can contrast with primary colors like red and blue.”

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Optimistic about the future

Regarding the chosen title “Towards the future”He points out that “human beings must think about the future, a future characterized by greater understanding and greater and greater dialogue Hello». Regarding what is coming, he confirms: “I am always optimistic, but I believe that man must first reconcile with nature. Humans have attacked it so much and they have to, in some way, give back what they took and reconnect with nature. I have a project in Uruguay, 159 hectares, where we planted 17,000 trees and native plants as a restoration of nature. And I think that looking specifically into the future, these are the signals that we have to do as human beings, as a big family; We have to embrace each other again and walk together».

Achugari is a man Slow and calm conversation, reflective, like his work. “Often, my work does not have a title, as in this case. “It's very nice for the viewer to find and discover that they can develop their imagination.”

As for street art, it is far from “sacred.” museum“Public art has the great function of being more accessible, especially for young people,” he advocates Children and adolescentsthey started to find that Art is part of life. You founded a museum in Uruguay, Maca, which is located in a 40-hectare park, where there are huge sculptures. So, the audience's experience of discovering works in an environment, in this case a natural and in this case, an architectural environment, seems to me very positive.

If Achugari could travel through time and through the history of art, he asserts that his dream would be to reach “the Renaissance era to meet Miguel Angel». The Renaissance artist “is a constant source of inspiration for me. An artist who was lucky enough to be able to work for up to four days before he died and lived a very long life; 89 years in the middle of the Renaissance was a very long number indeed. And the ability to do what I wanted until the last minute. “It's a great omen for all creative people,” he says with a laugh.

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Twelve hours of work per day

At the age of 69, He works 12 hours a day. “Now I am here in Valencia, which is extraordinary. They treat me very well, it is a city I love, and yet I miss my workshop. I have to be close to the marble, bronze and forests that I make. It is the job. I think it's kind of Internal mission That the artist has. I think it's very important that work goes through this virtuous circle Imagination, feeling and hands». In this process, he emphasizes, “I speak with the work and it speaks to me, telling me where to go. Where is the path?” “I personally work on the sculpture and this means that every detail has passed through my hands and through my sensibility.”

Regarding the role of the artist, the Uruguayan sculptor points out that he is not seen as a social transformer, “but as… The antenna that picks up needs For society, to realize that the great teacher is still nature and that beauty and harmony exist in nature.

Nature is a key element in their conversation. For this reason, Achugari emphasizes that in his search for beauty, “the sunset, the sunrise, the sea, the light, the sky, the stars, the moon, accompany us anywhere in the world. We have to resort a little more to nature and art.” Art is what remainsSigns of humanity that remain over time.

The works can be seen in the City of Arts and Sciences Until October 13.