Daniel Ortega's dictatorship seeks to restrict any space, even recreational, so that nothing gets out of control. On Tuesday, the regime placed the production and organization of artistic and public activities and performances under the control of the Ministry of Interior.
Through regulations published in the Official Gazette La Gaceta, the Minister of the Mint, María Amelia Coronel Kinloch, approved “Regulations for the organization of producers, promoters and organizers of public artistic activities, events or performances”.
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The new regulations “are the regulatory framework applicable to natural or legal persons, national or of other nationalities, intended to carry out artistic activities, events or performances in public places or on national territory.”
Scope of regulations
Under the agreement, the Mint is authorized to “implement, maintain and implement the necessary measures to ensure citizen and human security, as well as internal order in the national territory.”
Among the provisions is for the Mint to create a “registry” of producers and promoters of such activities, who must meet a series of requirements to join the database, including a police registry.
Once their registration is approved, producers must notify them 30 days in advance of the activity they will carry out, providing details of the number of people and equipment to be used, among other things.
Political control
Another responsibilities of producers, according to the regulation, is that they must “refrain from interfering, financing, or promoting internal and external political issues, activities, or topics, or activities that generate political proselytization as a result.”
This means that the dictatorship wants to control what artists can talk about during public performances, such as concerts, where they often use the stage to point out the crisis in the country or in neighboring countries.
Read also: The Ortega Morelos family: a family of frustrated “artists.”
Producers, promoters and organizers of public artistic activities, events or performances must adhere to a series of requirements, including a copy of the passport biodata sheet and, in the case of residence, a current residence card issued by the General Directorate of Migration and Foreign Affairs. You must also provide details of a Nicaraguan artistic promoter or organizer residing in Nicaragua; A valid individual taxpayer registration card (RUC); Registration with the Mayor's Office with current financial solvency; Police conduct certificate, among others.
People of other nationalities must meet other types of requirements.
Daniel Ortega's dictatorship controls all spaces in the country and his close friends and family direct entertainment events in the fields of art, culture, cinema, music, fashion and beauty. Many of these mix activities that are their children's business with public and party events.

“Music buff. Social media lover. Web specialist. Analyst. Organizer. Travel trailblazer.”
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