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Orlando’s son Jorge Mira says his father’s confessed killer is a danger to society

Orlando’s son Jorge Mira says his father’s confessed killer is a danger to society

“Judge, this man is a danger to Dominican society, the weight of the law rests with this person,” were the words of Orlando Salvador Jorge Velgas to the judge who sent his father’s confessed killer to prison, the Minister of Environmental Environment, Orlando Jorge Mira.

Jorge Villegas said that his father’s friendship was like a confessed murderer Miguel Cruz de la Mota, that when he got married, his guest list was short due to epidemic situations andHe was the first guest of his accused father’s friends.

“The accused’s only friend was my father, because everyone kicked him for his behaviour, and he was the only friend he had Orlando Jorge Mira “And he knew my father’s nobility, and he knew that when he had to cut himself off someone’s shoulder, it was my father,” said the legislator, who recorded in the 20-page compulsory measure decree.

Jorge Villegas, a deputy of the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM), declared in court that Both in personal, professional and political matters, the accused, who is being held in Ngayo Prison, consults with his father And thus pay off years of solidarity and mutual cooperation.

He asserted that the people in the government and friends of Cruz de la Mota had been sent to flee and that the bullfighter, knowing of his father’s nobility and that he was his only friend, had offended his father’s goodwill.

Jorge Villegas confirmed when the judge of the Court of Permanent Concern for the National District, Rigoberto Sina Ferreras, told him he had made the words with his aunt Delia Leticia Jorge Mira to talk about the case in its circumstances Of the plaintiffs and civil bodies problem.

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It is reported that Judge Sina Ferreras, He was sentenced to one year in pretrial imprisonment compulsion scale against Cruz de la Mota, Who killed the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources with several shots.