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President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, Said no place Negotiation Neither did he Understanding With United States, The country he accused of trying to boycott the November presidential election, In which he is re-elected for the third consecutive time.
Ortega said Monday the United States “The Enemy of Mankind” He accused the country of not providing evidence that it was behind the recent protests Cuba.
In a message on the occasion of The 68th anniversary of the failed attack led by the late Cuban leader Fidel Castro Against the barrages of Moncada, A fact considered the beginning of the Cuban revolution, Ortega in Cuba “Imperialism is attacking and trying to bend unhindered”.
“We respond to the growing chauvinism and the paths of the trade union, here and there, reaffirming in the conscience of all the free peoples of the world that the enemy of humanity, the Yankee, can or cannot. A spirit and a revolution of unnamed and enlightened beliefsThe Sandinista leader continued.
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In a letter to the Cuban leader Raul Castro The dictator of that country, Miguel Diaz-Colonel, called him “Dear comradesOndega points out, “To congratulate the Cuban Revolution on the 68th anniversary of the historic attack on Moncata buses. The revolutionaries, the Nicaraguans and every one of our Americans and Caribbeans greet us. ”
“Times like the times we have gone through have lived from the immense spiritual strength that was in those visionary days, Their courage is an example of their resilience and ability to succeed. “The Sandinista leader who signed the document was honored by his wife with the vice president Rosario Murillo.
Yesterday, low Ordega Strong international pressure, Condemned in a speech on Sunday afternoon, that the spirit of an interlocutor weighs heavily on his nation, which is driven by the United States, which undermines his government.
“There is no place to understand and negotiate before the empire”, Urged the President. “The empire does not want elections in Nicaragua. The empire wants to boycott them. Wants to re-sow terrorism in our country“, He said.
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Over the weekend, Nicaraguan police placed the opposition candidate under house arrest Urre than Jose, Who became The seventh possibility Presidential rival Should be detained. US-led international community, He says there is no guarantee that free or open elections will be held in the Central American country.
Vidar was accused of inciting anti-sovereignty.Applause“Sanctions against Nicaragua and”Organize with financial assistance from foreign powers to carry out acts of terrorism and instability”, According to a statement.
The opposition condemns the search for his house and the disappearance of his son
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Nicaraguan is the leader of the opposition Daisy George West He denounced the search of his home on Monday and the disappearance of his son, after the public ministry ordered him judicial powers. “Compulsory drivingFor not appearing in the appointments made by the Attorney’s Office for the investigation against the two voluntary charities.
In a message on Twitter, a human rights activist for tribal and Afro-descendants said the same The National Police searched his home, where his son was, and never contacted him again.
“I do not know where my son is, I do not know how much destruction they did (at home)”, George is a sociologist with a master’s degree in social anthropology and the leader of the opposition Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy in the Caribbean, Nicaragua, where he lives.
The Civic was the opponent of the coalition government Daniel Ortega At a negotiating table they sought a peaceful solution to the socio-political crisis the country was experiencing April 2018.
Arrests of opposition leaders are taking place ahead of the November 7 general election, including in Ortega, U.S.The former Santinista guerrilla, who returned to power in 2007, has ruled with his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo, since 2017, seeking to extend his term by another five years.
President, next to comply 76 years He co-chaired a governing body from 1979 to 1984 and led the country for the first time between 1985 and 1990, accusing opposition leaders of trying to oust him with US support and branding them.Criminals”.
(With information from EFE and Reuters)
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